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  1. Neviawen

    Why Join A Gym Just Make Wine

    Lmao! The skinny guy speaks the truth! WHY did I go to the gym tonight and run 4 miles when I could have been racking wine and building muscle? Foolish me :/ And a glass of Merlot DOES sound good..
  2. Neviawen

    Mayan Prophecies - End of Days!-12/21/12

    The Mayan date "12/21/2012" is not the end of the world. It is supposed to be the end of a 5,000 year era. They believe that a god is supposed to return to earth and start a new era, not a global catastrophe. Other Mayan prophecies point out to other dates that are well into the future, past...
  3. Neviawen

    Has any one made this mead

    I got this recipe from the same website and tried it except I used the wine yeast. Like fatbloke stated, mine did ferment dry and has a bitter taste. I do like the orange/spice combination that it has but it's still far from done. Go ahead and try it. It's only a gallon batch. Worst case...
  4. Neviawen

    Correct temperature for serving your favorite wines

    I thought this was an interesting way of presenting this information so I figured I would share. ~Kate
  5. Neviawen

    What does everyone do with all the wine?

    You'll find use of them.. I used to purchase a bottle of wine for all the aunts/uncles/cousins in my large italian family and the friends that we don't exchange regular gifts with. I used to go through a few cases easy and it added up fast. This year hopefully I will have some of my own to give...
  6. Neviawen

    Other Selection Estate Series- Lodi Old Vines Zinfandel

    Thanks for the compliment! I didn't know that about Lodi's vines but just looked them up and was quite surprised. Those vines are ginormous! Some of them date back to the late 1800's!
  7. Neviawen

    Say Hello To My Little friend!!!!

    Very cool! I plant canna lilies in my yard every year and the humming birds love them. Nice photos. :)
  8. Neviawen

    Other Selection Estate Series- Lodi Old Vines Zinfandel

    Tonight my wine helper and I broke out the wine kit that my husband got me for my birthday. It's a Selection Estate Series- Lodi Old Vines Zinfandel kit that won a silver metal. I'm excited to see how this is going to turn out! It's my second red kit that I've ever made. Has anyone else tried...
  9. Neviawen

    Just got the electrcity back...

    Also, I thought this was interesting. That storm we just had was the equivalent to a smaller hurricane except it was called a Derecho. Check this out.
  10. Neviawen

    Just got the electrcity back...

    What a storm that was! There is still about 100,000 people here in NJ without power. We were one of the fortunate ones to not have ours knocked out but a few of my relatives have had theirs out since the storm came through. My husband's work has been all messed up all weekend because their...
  11. Neviawen

    Here we go again

    Looks like a good time! LOL The local farmers market is now selling 20 and 30 lb boxes of blueberries for a dollar a pound. We live in NJ though and there are blueberries everywhere.
  12. Neviawen

    Yuck, over sulphited. Is it ruined?

    This turned into a very informative thread. Thank you everyone for the help and knowledge. I don't trust my math enough to mess with hydrogen peroxide. Any lab experiments I did in college I never had to drink so I'm not going to start that now, lol. As for how the wine is going, I just burned...
  13. Neviawen

    Yuck, over sulphited. Is it ruined?

    I have the SP in a bucket and been stirring the crap out of it w/ a spoon. I may go to the store and get a drill degasser and see how that goes.. Thanks for all the good advice guys and gals. :)
  14. Neviawen

    Yuck, over sulphited. Is it ruined?

    I knew I should have paid more attention in chemistry in college.. I didn't think I actually had to retain any of that information after I got my grade!
  15. Neviawen

    Yuck, over sulphited. Is it ruined?

    I was looking on another forum and someone over there had an old post about putting too much kmeta in their wine and someone else told them to add hydrogen peroxide. That is supposed to remove free SO2. I can't imagine adding that to wine though.. I dump that into open wounds! There is a...
  16. Neviawen

    Yuck, over sulphited. Is it ruined?

    It smells like the kmeta I sanitize with. lol The smell gives me a headache..
  17. Neviawen

    Yuck, over sulphited. Is it ruined?

    Ok, I realized I goofed after I did it but I added too much Kmeta when stabilizing a 6 gallon batch of Skeeter Pee today. Instead of 1 tsp of kmeta I accidently added 1 tablespoon. I stirred it in and just by the over sulphity smell I realized I goofed up. So what do I do? I was going to put the...
  18. Neviawen

    First Skeeter Pee Try

    Backsweetening and allowing it to sit for a few days helps alot. I think that gives the flavors and sugars time to blend. I made a few batches of skeeter pee (I am by no means a pro) but I did realize that the bottles that I drank that I backsweetened and allowed to sit for a few days tasted...
  19. Neviawen

    Chocolate raspberry request

    Oh my goodness.. I had a vision of making some raspberry/chocolate SP when reading Deezil's post.. Is it REALLY that simple??!! I have 12 gallons of SP clearning RIGHT NOW!! <Going to go find some Chocolate! Yeah!!> How long do you think it will take to get the raspberry/chocolate flavor if I...
  20. Neviawen

    What to top off with?

    I have a few 1 gallon carboys but not enough to store all of this. What if I add some newly fermented cherry wine? I have 2 gallons of that in it's primary that I was thinking of putting into 1 gallon carboys. That's about 2 weeks old. Would this totally goof up the clarification of the skeeter...