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  1. J

    Heat spikes and harvest it now or wait it out?

    I'm in Tuolumne county about 2000 foot elevation. If you decide to wait you may want to use some shade cloth on southern or westerly exposed clusters. They will fry first. I clip small pieces to the bird netting over the cluster only they will dehydrate. I plan on giving mine plenty of water and...
  2. J

    Heat spikes and harvest it now or wait it out?

    My Barbera is just about done turning and the Zin just finished they are ahead of normal but no where near ready and I've been dealing with this heat like you. What are you varieties? Rootstock?
  3. J

    RIP Dick Cooper

    4score, Thank you for posting that clip of Mr. Cooper. I talked with him years ago in the tasting room. I grow Barbera in the foothills and had plenty of questions for him. I was able to ask a few which he was more than happy to provide a novice grower the information to but he was in big...
  4. J

    Smoke taint question

    A little smoke taint is passable and many wineries will still sell the wine but the taste is not like oak. So with a heavy smoke taint it will taste like licking an ash tray. I lost all of my 2013 vintage due to smoke from a fire close to me. The wine was terrible.
  5. J

    Side effects

    I had the second shot of the Moderna vaccine on Wednesday morning and four hours later my arm really hurt. 6 hours later I had no energy and didn't feel right 10 hours later was running a pretty good fever with chills, body aches and my arm hurt like hell. Thursday had a lower fever arm still...
  6. J

    Lodi lab results

    I have used Lodi wine labs for the last 3 years and though I have been surprised by some numbers at times, compared to what my own numbers are, I trust their results. I'm able to test Brix, TA, PH and So2 and I contribute any differences to my abilities or lack there of being a chemist. I know...
  7. J

    Lallzyme EX and EX-V

    My first time using enzymes I did exactly what Johnd did and because of what the Morewine manual said about tannin's and enzymes I overloaded the must with oak power I had on hand and pressed a little early. I think the oak power helped with the mush issue some what.
  8. J

    Struggling new vines

    The canes on the young vines are already hardening off that tells me not enough water I'm in California to and the heat has been unreal and is going to stay for a while. Remember you want to water the root zone to encourage growth not just the vine. As stated above you will have to baby them the...
  9. J

    Barbera Harvest Acidity

    Half of my grapes are still green and just turning the lower PH is a good thing. I few raisins I've found not to be a problem and years with a lot make a big wine, It is going to get hot near the end of the week and will speed up the ripening. Be careful will watering back I've screwed that up...
  10. J

    Barbera Harvest Acidity

    I grow Barbera and those numbers look off. Check your PH meter and what ever you are using for a sugar reading. I'm in the Sierra foothills and usually get a higher PH especially at that Brix.
  11. J

    Tale of 2 Malos

    I have the same problem. Co-inoculate with B7 Direct 1 day after pitching yeast and no problem with my Zin and Grenache. Waited after primary fermentation completed for the Syrah and a second batch of Grenache used VP41 with all the nutrients and nothing after 3 + weeks temps @ 70 stir twice a...
  12. J

    How to perform extended maceration?

    Thanks for your input I'll be going in another direction next year. Possibly enzymes and cold soak.
  13. J

    How to perform extended maceration?

    I did a post fermentation 21 day EM on Grenache grapes and lost a lot of fruit but gained mouth feel and it is a overly astringent wine right now. I don't know if I should have went it longer or if Grenache is just not made out for EM. I kept it under a gas blanket, covered and punched down once...
  14. J

    What grapes are you growing??

    If I was doing this for a living I wouldn't risk own rooted vines but I'm not. The 101-14 vines are less vigorous which is good in the case of Grenache but take a lot more water in a warm climate like the Sierra Foothills.
  15. J

    What grapes are you growing??

    50 Syrah - 1103P 50 Barbera-110R 25 Zin- St. George 20 Zin OV Cuttings- Own Root 25 Grenache - 101-14 20 Grenache OV Cuttings- Own Root
  16. J

    Need some help

    Go with the Petiole or a leaf test otherwise you are shooting in the dark with what nutrition the vines my need or may have too much of. I have used A & L Western Agricultural Laboratories in Modesto.
  17. J

    Help! What's wrong with my leaves?

    You should already be spraying for Powdery Mildew if you include stylet oil in the rotation it will take care of the leaf hopper I saw in one of your photos. Leaf hoppers feed off the leaves but are only a real problem when they occur in great numbers. If you try and use oil this time of year be...