Weakened (malnourished) vines are susceptible to diseases that wouldn't normally effect healthy plants. It's always lurking in the background. The same is true for most other organisms, including us.
My nebbiolo is a carrier of a virus thats not transmittable but that's all that I have going on with any vines.Weakened (malnourished) vines are susceptible to diseases that wouldn't normally effect healthy plants. It's always lurking in the background. The same is true for most other organisms, including us.
My nebbiolo is a carrier of a virus thats not transmittable but that's all that I have going on with any vines.
You can't give it to any vines but if you grew from a cutting it would have the disease.Umm, what does it mean to be a carrier a that cannot transmit the disease?
You can't give it to any vines but if you grew from a cutting it would have the disease.
This is how it was explained to me by Davis. What I posted above and they are literally the most reputable source for grapevine disease Info.You need to read the definition of “carrier”, which you can do by simply clicking on the word “carrier” in @sour_grapes post.
I am going to have a test done on a couple of my vines since i have a wide variety about 13 different grapes.Go with the Petiole or a leaf test otherwise you are shooting in the dark with what nutrition the vines my need or may have too much of. I have used A & L Western Agricultural Laboratories in Modesto.