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  1. F

    K-meta questions

    As anyone handy around the kitchen will attest, a "warmed" medium will dissolve things (sugar, powders, K-Meta, sorbate, etc.) much quicker than cold. No need to boil. As noted by others, if the smell knocks you back, it's still working!!! Storing your winemaking stuff in a fridge helps keep...
  2. F

    SG at 0.994 for two and a half days. Stuck or ready to rack?

    Agree!! At .994 for 2-3 days says "I'm done"... let settle for another day or so then splash rack to carboy, K-meta, Sorbate if necessary, add oak if in the plan, put under airlock and write your notes!!!
  3. F

    faux rose/blush

    I've been known to be a bit finicky with regards to the difference (by definition) between a true Rose' and a manufactured Blush. In the end though it's the smile on the drinkers mug that's important. Mighty fine looking samples you're showing Mike:HB
  4. F

    Airlock backpressure into carboys

    I'll go with Arne.. If there's enough liquid in the trap to get sucked back'erds, it's overfilled !! They put those "fill-lines" on there for a reason.
  5. F

    Making wine from juice buckets

    A quick look at the site showed an outstanding tutorial in their "resources" link. A good read for anyone!:HB
  6. F

    Making wine from juice buckets

    Good info, but I think this response should have gone to Ron0126 on his quest of "where to buy juice pails".
  7. F

    Making wine from juice buckets

    A few simple questions put to your supplier should set you on the right track. Many adjust and pre-inoculate, making the process very simple for the winemaker. However, just as many do nothing (other than maybe some sulfites to prevent wild things from happening) in response to consumer...
  8. F

    I assume this a good sign...

    "Generally" speaking,, and all things being accounted for,, you can expect primary fermentations to occupy @4-6 days of your watchful time! At that point, the final Sg should be somewhere around the .990-.994 range. Again that would be with "all things" accounted for... BTW what is cookin' in...
  9. F

    I assume this a good sign...

    might want to wrap some mesh or cheesecloth around that opening. Just the right season for the teeny-weenie flying critters to make an appearance:slp
  10. F

    aging question

    Simply responding to the question regarding the end of fermentation/ need of stabilization. In an earlier post I suggested airlock vs. solid bung to address the issue of incomplete fermentation or the possibility of a restart if back sweetening. I possess way more airlocks than solid bungs...
  11. F

    aging question

    I've made a lot of wines and have yet to have one bottom out at more than .992 .... .990-.992 is the usual and I wait till I've had 3 days of no change before I call it done. If I have no intentions of back sweetening or adding any type of sugar bearing substances, I will forego the Sorbate.
  12. F

    aging question

    Unless you've added Potassium SORBATE to stabilize (to prevent any re-fermentation as I see your sg indicates there may be some sugars available) I would include an airlock with that bung!! Otherwise you may find yourself searching for it some day...
  13. F


    Personally I find that if you clean immediately after use, there is no need for anything but hot water! This includes empty bottles. Liberal use of Potassium Metabisulfite (K-Meta) in a sanitizer solution (2Tbsp./gal H2O) has worked for me.... KISS ;)
  14. F

    Racking Cane and Tube Dirty

    Best thing would be to not allow anything to attach itself to the inside of tubing! Rinse immediately after each step of any process...
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    As with most anything we concoct, the recommendation stands to allow a rest time before proceeding to the next step. However to fully appreciate what a little time can do for ya, taste a sample ASAP and try to remember it. Then sample after a week or two prior to bottling.;) Don't forget to...
  16. F

    Storing wine kit juice

    I do believe that most "kit" juices are packaged in sealed food grade plastic pouches (I do mostly Juice buckets so there's no storing) therefore the contents are relatively safe from spoilage. I would strive to keep it at a somewhat consistant temp tho not too warm, and refrigeration not...
  17. F

    "Older" corks

    ,,,, And the Grand Experiment continues!!! You might want to contact the manufacturer for some closer-to-home info on that subject. Or continue with your own efforts. How's about a veggie steamer??
  18. F

    Newbie Help - Hydrometer Reading

    Allowing for the meniscus,, I'd record it as .991. For truer accuracy, consider your hydrometers calibration, temperature, and any other factors... Not so critical the actual number so much as the changes during the processes.
  19. F

    Thanks for the appreciation!

    So "What's not to Like??" That's a lot of quality info passed on.....:br