I assume this a good sign...

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Junior Member
May 21, 2017
Reaction score
Ft Wayne, IN, US

No bubbly sound yet, but it looks like the beginnings of fermentation!

Should I check SG now, or wait until it's in full effect?
might want to wrap some mesh or cheesecloth around that opening. Just the right season for the teeny-weenie flying critters to make an appearance:slp
"Generally" speaking,, and all things being accounted for,, you can expect primary fermentations to occupy @4-6 days of your watchful time! At that point, the final Sg should be somewhere around the .990-.994 range. Again that would be with "all things" accounted for... BTW what is cookin' in there and how much???? Don't forget to give a stir at least once/day.. G'luck!
BTW what is cookin' in there and how much???? Don't forget to give a stir at least once/day.. G'luck!

It's six gallons of the RJS Sangiovese Merlot blend. First stir and Fermaid added today! I'll be checking the SG starting tomorrow once the nutrients kick in and see where it's at.
Sorry if this is turning into a "update" post, but I stirred, added the hydrated Fermaid -K, and the SG is currently sitting at 1.080. Now just a waiting game!

Again, thanks so much for all the help!!
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So did you check the SG before pitching the yeast?
If that is a kit wine, you don't need any fermaid. Its already on there...

Really? I had seen that the use of Go Ferm in conjunction with Fermaid would result in a healthy fermentation with the yeast that I used, so I had added those to be on the safe side.

I haven't seen anything about it harming fermentation, but wasn't sure it would be "overkill"
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I always check SG, temp and stir daily. Stir twice daily with non kit wines. Checking the SG daily assures that the ferment is progressing and not stalled. I check the temps daily because I occasionally have one that gets above 80 and I like to lower it, and slow down the ferment, by placing a fan in front of the primary. That will bring it down to room temp in a hurry. Just something to consider.
I always check SG, temp and stir daily. Stir twice daily with non kit wines. Checking the SG daily assures that the ferment is progressing and not stalled. I check the temps daily because I occasionally have one that gets above 80 and I like to lower it, and slow down the ferment, by placing a fan in front of the primary. That will bring it down to room temp in a hurry. Just something to consider.

Funny you mention the SG. My hydrometer came apart when I was sanitizing. After some profanity, I put it back together but noticed the SG was slowly creeping from 1.050 and kept climbing. Triple checked, and it was doing the same thing.

I have a feeling some leaked in which may have caused that but I did stir, check the temp (steady at 76, which is to degrees above room), and tasted to make sure it wasn't funky.

I'll have to wait until Friday until I can get a hydrometer, so I'll be keeping a very close eye.

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