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  1. ZippoGeek

    Primary overflowed...ooops

    So is this generally more common with reds?
  2. ZippoGeek

    How much wine do you make and why?

    I'm making 180 bottles worth this year, because that's how much room I have on the racks! :d
  3. ZippoGeek

    Ambient light?

    Will ambient light hurt my kit wine when it's in the secondary? (it's a chardonnay). It's not in direct sunlight or anything. Just wondering if I need to put a blanket over it to keep it in the dark... Thanks in advance.
  4. ZippoGeek

    77 and rising

    I got the A419 thermostat control today. Drilled two holes in a #10 rubber stopper: one for my airlock and another for the thermowell (temp sensor). Sanitized everything and dropped it into the carboy. This setup works like a charm. Now I don't have to constantly plug in and unplug the Brew...
  5. ZippoGeek

    77 and rising

    Thanks very much for all the responses!
  6. ZippoGeek

    77 and rising

    Thanks Paul. Of course I don't remember what yeast I used...and I threw away the empty packet. I'm not very handy at all. Looking for something off-the-shelf! I found this and wouldn't mind paying for you suppose I could use it with the Brew Belt...
  7. ZippoGeek

    77 and rising

    Hey all...I'm brand new here and would appreciate a little guidance with my first batch. It's an Island Mist Peach-Apricot Chardonnay. My house has a steady temperature of 68. The kit instructions call for a must temperature of 72-75 degrees. When I added the yeast to the must (18 hours...