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  1. wvbrewer

    Rehydrating yeast

    That is how I have always done it. Just some warm water a little sugar and let them wake for about a half hour.
  2. wvbrewer

    Cheers Everyone!

    Welcome aboard.. I am sure you will enjoy winemaking, it is very addictive..
  3. wvbrewer

    Mosti Mondiale Bottling Day For MM LaBodega Port!

    That looks very nice. Great job..Those are beautiful bottles.
  4. wvbrewer

    Shrink Capsules......educate me.

    My wife uses a hair drier to do it. As long as you take your time they turn out pretty good..
  5. wvbrewer

    Candy Cane wine Recipe

    I will go the candy cane route, so it will be the real thing. Now I got to go get them canes. I am sure it will be good. Thanks Dave
  6. wvbrewer

    Green goo

    That is what I did too.. Just give it a quick twist or gentle shake ans it will fall to the bottom. I have dones this with the last kits I made know problems at all. It is still a good idea to filter before bottling anyway too.
  7. wvbrewer

    Candy Cane wine Recipe

    I am thinking of starting a batch here soon. The wife has expressed interest in trying it. I have one recipie printed out from the thread, but it says maybe it is better to just make a batch of Welches white crap and pepermint flavor to it. After what everone has learned through the process...
  8. wvbrewer

    Plum Wine, Extremely Fast Fermentation Help!

    Stabilize for atleast 2 weeks before adding sugar, a then wait 2 more to make sure fermentation does not start before bottling.
  9. wvbrewer

    Pumpkin Wine

    I would monitor it it everey week to see if the sugar continues to drop. The hydrometer is more reliable than the airlock.
  10. wvbrewer

    Adding white grape concentrate

    That should be fine. I don't see how it would affect the flavor very much at all.
  11. wvbrewer

    Wine Cellar

    Looks really good. You did a great job.
  12. wvbrewer

    My Photo in Winemaker Magazine!!!

    Awsome.. Great job!
  13. wvbrewer


    Just follow the directions and it should turn out to be fine. Just like wine I would go by your hydrometer. It will be done when you have a couple of days of the same reading. The directions will tell you 6 days, but I would not even check till after two weeks. If you are using two kits I...
  14. wvbrewer


    I use one step as a cleaner and star san as a sanitizer. I clean equipment and bottles with one step and star san to sanitze bottles right before bottling.
  15. wvbrewer

    Begginers mistake

    It should come around in time. It the SG does not start coming down, maybe it would be a good idea to rack back into the primary at tepitch some yeast. I would monitor the SG first for a little with your hydrometer. It is the best way to tell if you are fermenting or not.
  16. wvbrewer

    Bottle #3 tastes like sulfer

    Follow the instructions that they give you and do not add extra chemicals before you bottle. I am not sure about the intructions that came with your kit, but you should be degassing stablizing atleast 2 weeks or more before you bottle. This should give it time to release some of the that...
  17. wvbrewer

    Have I Over Sulfited My Riesling?

    I would rack the wine and let it age a couple of more weeks as some tof the sulfites should be released over time. What you don't want to do is bottle to quickly. Take a look at this site for a few ideas. It also has links to Jack Kellers site too...
  18. wvbrewer

    Storage of Extra Yeast.

    I have always keep mine in th frindge, and had no problems. Infact I am going to start a batch soon with some yest that almost been in there a year.
  19. wvbrewer

    Cooking in the Wilderness

    That was awsome...I could amagine people doing these things regularlly over hear in WV....
  20. wvbrewer


    I would either use some dark or amber DME 1lb and dextrose to use as a fermentable. I belive it reccomends what to use on the side the can. My LHBS says to it will turn out better using DME. Do not use table sugar it will give it a off flavor. I also wouls take and make a yeast starter 1...