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Senior Member
May 11, 2011
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I have a coopers kit that was a gift a while back. I have a can of dark ale & carbonation drops. Can I substitute regular sugar for the brewers sugar that came n the kit? Sorry for the complete novice question, but I know absolutely nothing about beer making.

I would either use some dark or amber DME 1lb and dextrose to use as a fermentable. I belive it reccomends what to use on the side the can. My LHBS says to it will turn out better using DME. Do not use table sugar it will give it a off flavor.

I also wouls take and make a yeast starter 1 to 2 days before you brew. I generally use almost a quart of water, 1 cup DME and a 1/2 cup of dextrose (corn sugar). To start get that water boiling in a sauce pan then add the DME. Boil for 10 minutes or so. Remove from the heat and dissolve the dextrose in the wort. Then imediatls cover and place in a ice bath and cool down to 70 to 80 degrees. Once the temp is down pour the wort into a mason jar and sprinkle in you yeast on top. Let it sit a few minutes then gently stir in with a sanitized spoon. Place the jar in a warm area 68 to 75 degrees till you are ready to brew.

Thank you.

This seems to be a bit more complex than my wine.

I just have 2 cans of the coopers that was gifted to me & don't want to waste it.

Just follow the directions and it should turn out to be fine. Just like wine I would go by your hydrometer. It will be done when you have a couple of days of the same reading. The directions will tell you 6 days, but I would not even check till after two weeks. If you are using two kits I would use them both for a 5 to 6 gallon gallon batch. Check your SG and then adjust it with Dextrose to get you disired SG. I would shoot for a gravity of 1.050-1.060. The yeast stater I told you about does help.
When you said "cooper's kit". . .

I thought at first you had been given all the woodworking tools to make oak barrels ! :)

I live about 7 miles from Devizes where resides Wadworths Brewery and they still have a cooper to make, mend and repair their beer barrels. They also deliver their beer within the town by horse drawn dray !

I pop down there and say hello and come away with a sack of oak chips and sawdust for my smoker. Cheers, Tony.
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I thought at first you had been given all the woodworking tools to make oak barrels ! :)

I live about 7 miles from Devizes where resides Wadworths Brewery and they still have a cooper to make, mend and repair their beer barrels. They also deliver their beer within the town by horse drawn dray !

I pop down there and say hello and come away with a sack of oak chips and sawdust for my smoker. Cheers, Tony.

The Brown Forman Cooperage( ) is near my hometown. I've thought I'd like to see if they sell seconds from there.

Also, thanks for the tips. I may go to my local shop & get the needed supplies today.


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