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  1. homer

    Frozen stiff, hard as a rock, colder than a well diggers a**

    As long as you brought the subject, how do you tell if the MLF has "kicked off" ? bk
  2. homer

    Frozen stiff, hard as a rock, colder than a well diggers a**

    New batch of frozen grapes arrived from Midwest yesterday, I guess it's cold up there, because everything was still frozen, that's the good news, the bad news was everything was frozen, as in the clearing goo in both the "add packs" and the liquid MLB packs, I don't mean cold I mean frozen...
  3. homer

    Bailiff, take that man he's out of order

    Don't ask how but here's what I did, my beautiful Tontitown Mars grapes were coming along great, until I clarified before I sulfated. Does it make any difference? Should I just go ahead and sulfate now or wait a day or two? bk
  4. homer


    How come they don't suggest to add Bentonite to the frozen grapes or the frozen juice from Midwest? bk
  5. homer

    To Rack or not to rack, that is...

    I talked with Seth at Midwest (another $250 down), very knowledgeable guy, his suggestion was two week on the skins, press, re-rack in three days, add MLB and Nutrient at that time. Just like the instructions say, sort of kinda. When I told him mine had been sitting on the lees for a month he...
  6. homer

    To Rack or not to rack, that is...

    Wade two questions; what are the signs to look for during MLF and is MLB nutrient the same as a yeast nutrient (I know it can't be that simple)? KSmith, I just don't think the instructions are very clear at this step, I will call Midwest and ask their winemakers what they think. bk
  7. homer

    To Rack or not to rack, that is...

    Wine is the Cabernet from Midwest's frozen grapes, directions are a little vague in regards to weather it should be racked before MLF. Rack or no rack? bk
  8. homer

    Tempus fugit

    So this is the consensus, no sorbate if MLF is done?
  9. homer

    Tempus fugit

    My question is, what length of time in the secondary before you do the MLF. 6 weeks with stirring twice a week is what the instructions say for the MLF itself. bk
  10. homer

    Tempus fugit

    River Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon, frozen garpes, per the instructions, after squeezing, in about 3 days, re-rack, done. Now they get a little vague, after the second racking the instructions say to do the MLF, but no real time frame for the wine to sit in the secondary. What do the professors say...
  11. homer

    WineXpert A good whipping?

    Very good, wise beyond your years. How about Sonoma Dry Creek Chardonnay. bk
  12. homer

    WineXpert A good whipping?

    Nope, I'm an equal opportunity wine drinker and maker. RJ Kits, WineXpert, frozen juice and grapes. Just got the new Wine Maker magazine with the top 100, this is going to be expensive winter. bk
  13. homer

    WineXpert A good whipping?

    It's probably 70 degrees in the basement, I'll check it next week. I don't think I have gotten any wine to .996. bk
  14. homer

    WineXpert A good whipping?

    I am about one month into a white, I think it's a Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc, I'm at work so it's not at my finger tips, the kit instructions recommend that one should wait to sulfate until the SG is .996 or about two weeks. It's now a month and just barley 1.000, should I leave it alone, give it...
  15. homer

    Second squeezing

    This is what I have been busy doing: Primary 6 gallon Catawba 6 gallon LH Vignoles Secondary 10 gallon muscadine red 10 gallon muscadine-noble 5 gallon cherry 5 gallon cherry blush 5 gallon elderberry/cherry/chokecherry 5 gallon elderberry 5 gallon elderberry blush 5 gallon summer...
  16. homer

    Second squeezing

    "aim for a low alcohol wine. Like 10%". Why? "Add a bit of tannin". OK I give, how do you do that? bk
  17. homer

    Second squeezing

    Bought a bucket of Midwest frozen grapes, fermented two weeks and squeezed out a three gallon cargirl and couldn't make myself throw out the grapes after pressing. How much water, grape juice and sugar would throw in for a second batch, that is if you were making a second batch. bk
  18. homer

    tartaric acid

    Therein lays the problem, fermentation was started 3 days ago, and it is cooking up a storm. bk
  19. homer

    tartaric acid

    The instructions "recommend" to stir in the acid first, then the Yeast, I think they have checked the juice for the average TA level, I guess. After fermentation how do I check the TA? bk