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    Kids TOO SWEET!

    Ok. Pee seems dead. No bubbles. No change in SG in 3 days. Suggestion? Worried too much sugar
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    Kids TOO SWEET!

    Awesome thanks
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    Kids TOO SWEET!

    So my boy is into helping dad with my "science projects". Long story short, we had a miscommunication today. His job was to do the sugar........Yeah. I found 1 too many 4 lb bags in the trash after pitching yeast. I'm at 1.100. Yeah. The yeast is working. I have bubbles going, but is this...
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    Dragons Blood: Day 12

    No its still in primary. I was told not to rack until under 1.000
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    Dragons Blood: Day 12

    Yup. Day 12. Started at 1.076. Stuck at 1.020 for past 4 days. I added a little nutrient, set up off ground, added a little heat. Nothing. Tips?
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    Hydrometer question

    Ok. I'll give it a couple more days. I know it's still fermenting. I see it bubbling
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    Hydrometer question

    So LOWER the temp? Add yeast nutrient? How much? I don't have ability to check pH. What do I need to do that?
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    Hydrometer question

    Ok. I'm getting a little concerned. Since the comment about the airlock was made, I've since taken the lid off and put a towel over it. The specific gravity the past 3 days have only changed from 1.034 to 1.030. I've been diligently stirring twice a day. It's kept around 72-74 degrees...
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    Hydrometer question

    I got a reading of 1.034 tonight. We're about 8.6%. Need a little more
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    Hydrometer question

    Awesome. Will do. Thanks
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    Hydrometer question

    I'm doing the Dragon Blood recipe with blueberries only with the lemon juice. All of the nutrients on the recipe I found on here. Temperatures 68-73. Yeast is Lalvin k1-v1116. No real big changes in past couple days. This is the first day the change has decreased. Water locks not bubbling...
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    Hydrometer question

    I'm doing the Dragon Blood recipe with blueberries only with the lemon juice. All of the nutrients on the recipe I found on here. Temperatures 68-73. Yeast is Lalvin k1-v1116
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    Hydrometer question

    So, my must has been going for 4 days. Day 1- 1.076 Day 2- 1.060 Day 3 - 1.043 Day 4- 1.041 ??? I checked it 5 times. Is this normal? And what exactly does the hydrometer measure in this case?
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    Turbo Yeast?

    In selecting the yeast for my batch, I saw multiple "turbo yeasts" claiming 24-48 hour fermentation. What's this about? Is this for wines? Pros and cons?
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    Best Beginner Wine

    Yeah this was just supplies. I like all kinds. I have an elderly friend who used to make all kinds of fruit wines. They were savory and strong. Do like to try to make something like that.
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    Wine Making Supplies

    I've been reading alot of recipes and I think I'm going to start with a Dragon Blood wine. However, in reading I think I'm going to need a primary container and 2 (?) Carboys? Extra one for the second rack. Is this right?
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    Best Beginner Wine
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    Best Beginner Wine

    That's was the 6. Gal one
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    Best Beginner Wine

    I got the $130 Vintners kit of of Amazon ordered. What's the EASIEST wine to make in your opinion? Starting off easy...