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  1. IQwine

    Stirring in a Glass Carboy

    who me ????
  2. IQwine

    What are you doing today?

    U should have called... U needed my help
  3. IQwine

    OK I'm crazy! R U ?

  4. IQwine

    What are you doing today?

    tepe.........suggest U move a cot into the wine cellar.... cooler and less travel time to the wine .......
  5. IQwine

    Happy Birthday Waldo

    Happy, Happy Birthday Waldo
  6. IQwine

    Bottle Filling

    very neat idea
  7. IQwine

    Bottle Filling

    what kind of crate is this? where can I find one? a pic would be nice...
  8. IQwine

    Stirring in a Glass Carboy

    Binford 3000 It works great :db
  9. IQwine

    wine kits

    :tz Brain must be in Holiday mode :db
  10. IQwine

    wine kits

    Click Here
  11. IQwine

    Juice machine for wine

    an idea to help with low water levels..... add a few marbles in the pan.... they will rattle when water is boiling and stop if U run out of water or forget to check...... a good backup plan:b Have fun with UR new toy :br:db
  12. IQwine

    Picture of the devastation after recent earthquake in Northern NY

    Maybe that's the before pic and the after pic will be posted next :slp
  13. IQwine

    Strawberry Delight

    now would be a great time... :b
  14. IQwine

    Help with the 3 T's

    Thx, Tom:b
  15. IQwine

    Apfelwein ?'s

    SG of 1.100 is high for this. and SG now of 1.300 does not make sense. what was the recipe? and how did U make it? when did U start this? did U see airlock activity along the way?
  16. IQwine

    Help with the 3 T's

    I must have messed up.... when I taste my wines early... they are mostly "new" taste... what else am I looking for? I have made mostly dry reds from kits so maybe the tasting is a fruit thingy..... sorry :b
  17. IQwine

    Apfelwein ?'s

    a few questions.... what was starting SG? did you record any SG's along the way? what was the temp? this info will help us help you
  18. IQwine

    What R you DRINKING today?

    WOW.... 50 choices.... ::
  19. IQwine

    Help with the 3 T's

    Ok... I hear it all the time :slp the 3 T's.... Taste, Taste, and Taste..... what am I tasting for? what should I be looking for?? How often... take notes?? Need alotta help here... :b
  20. IQwine

    Summer Breeze

    post your recipe, please :tz