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  1. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Well just added half a bottle, now we see what happens!! EDIT: Added the rest of the bottle as fermentation was going very strong!! Update: Added the second bottle with no problems, still very strong fermentation going. Now I will add the 3rd bottle per the recipe.
  2. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee ????

    Articsid, If I understand correctly you added Pectin as well. I don't see that on the original recipe. Was it powder or liquid pectin e? Just curious why you added it?
  3. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    I just added the yeast no starter, but in my case I have not put a single drop of lemon juice in it yet. So basically I will have a 4.75 gallon starter to add the lemon juice to slowly. I just checked it and the yeast is starting to swell up on top. Depending on how long it takes for it to take...
  4. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Starting my Batch of Skeeter Pee Well I started mine about 5 mins ago. Copy and paste of my log: Skeeter Pee 3 Bottles of 32 oz real lemon juice. 10 Lbs Corn Sugar 4.75 gals water 1 Tsp energizer 3 Tsp Nutrient ¾ Tsp Tannin Lavlin B-1112 SG 1.075 Mixed everything in primary and...
  5. vvolf34

    Juice Concentrate (kits?)

    Thanks for the responses, I might have to go see him in person one day!! We are usually over in his area around memorial day.
  6. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Got any updates on this? I am going to start one tomorrow.
  7. vvolf34

    2nd racking after carboy

    Simply solution if funds allow... Buy more carboys!! :D
  8. vvolf34

    Juice Concentrate (kits?)

    Well I found Brehm Vineyards in Wine Maker Magazine. They are kinda close to me. a 5.5 gal frozen bucket will produce about 5 gals they say. A 50 gal drum will prouce about 44 gals they estimate. They are probably 3 to 4 hours away from me. Not to bad I guess. Plus you can pre order fresh grapes...
  9. vvolf34

    Juice Concentrate (kits?)

    Where would you buy fresh juice like that? Maybe Reisling as well?
  10. vvolf34

    Grape Concentrate... Stuck?

    I am new to and from what I understand you want to do k-meta and sorbate before bottling?
  11. vvolf34

    Best place to start

    I too buy from Excellent service is all I can say!!
  12. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    I read somewhere else, that another person reversed the process. It might be to late for you. They added everything but the lemon juice in the primary, after it started they slowly back added the lemon juice a little at a time over a few days, trying to not overpower the yeast. Hopefully you get...
  13. vvolf34

    Blueberry Port (hopefully)

    Sounds really good, I am going to keep a close eye on this one!!
  14. vvolf34

    Cork Sizes

    I too was wondering about this and did a search, #9 if you have a floor corker as they give a better seal. #8 if using a handcorker, cuz it would almost be impossible to get a #9 in with it.
  15. vvolf34

    Grrrr Fruit Flies

    I was thinking after that I need to weight it down. Thanks for the suggestion about the soap. Will have to try it, because summer time is usually a problem!!
  16. vvolf34

    Grrrr Fruit Flies

    Not snapping on, it just losely sits on it and he wasn't in there a coule days ago, or if he was, I didn't notice the little bugger. But I am glad to know that my wine should be fine!! It's amazing, I keep finding the door to my wine room open. It must be a ghost doing it, because everyone in...
  17. vvolf34

    Quick/fast aging white?

    Well as mmadmikes1 suggested, just about any white would be good. Some websites offer information about what the manufacture recommends as a minimum aging period. I mainly shop at and usual they list aging requirements.
  18. vvolf34

    Grrrr Fruit Flies

    Hahaha nice one one, I like it. Alas though, I threw it out! I am now officially DOOMED!!!
  19. vvolf34

    Quick/fast aging white?

    I am a newb myself and if I am wrong, I am sure it will be corrected. Most kits should age at least 3 months, how ever some that you can drink almost right away will be the mist or breeze style kits. These are on the sweet side and are more like wine coolers. I started one on 11-27-09 and will...
  20. vvolf34

    Grrrr Fruit Flies

    OK good to know. I always thought fruit flies were the death of wine!! I don't know if he died happy as he never reached the fruit of his labor. The sides of my fermentor are very wet and I think he may drowned before he got to the golden nectar of my Piesporter!