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  1. southlake333

    Carmel Apple Hard Cider

    Is it Upstate Mike's caramel apple cider? If so, don't follow his process, just the ingredients of the recipe. It makes bottle bombs. Ferment dry, stabilize, then backsweeten. He suggests killing fermentation early by racking and adding kmeta (yeah, just kmeta). Knowing that was wrong, I...
  2. southlake333

    Homebrew Champagne question

    This may help:
  3. southlake333

    Homebrew Champagne question

    I think the one important thing you are missing here is that the sediment is the RESULT of carbonation. See, that sugar you added fed the yeast. Those yeast ate the sugar, reproduced, created CO2, then died and fell to the bottom of the bottle. So if you open the bottles, filter and add more...
  4. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    I was really careful when racking and it was completely clear when I bottled it. Let me know how yours ends up looking in another month. BTW, the pic I took was after picking up the bottle from laying on its side. So all sediment got mixed back in. If I let it sit on a table for a while...
  5. southlake333


    +1 to that!
  6. southlake333

    My new batch!

    I would wait. Once yours is done you may find its sweet enough as is and the addition of brown sugar might be too much. My latest batch of Apple Pie Cider is only sweetened to around 1.006 WITH the brown sugar and apple juice concentrate. You're most likely going to be way over that before...
  7. southlake333

    Mass cleaning of bottles

    #1 - Not sure what you're using to sanitize but you should not rinse after sanitizing. If you do, the bottles are no longer sanitized. That'll save some time. Using kmeta to sanitize will only introduce a bit more kmeta to your wine if not rinsed which is fine. #2 - I see you have a bottle...
  8. southlake333


    Yeah, I thought the same which is why I have a batch using 30% less lemon going right now. However, I also have it on my "to do" list to test the acid levels in my original batch so I can really see where it is. It could very well be that the lemon is fine but (for flavor) but the acid level...
  9. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Definitely not refermentation. I used kmeta and sorbate and none of the bottles are carbonated at all. Its just stuff falling out of what I had thought was clear. From now on, everything stays in carboys for at least 2 months. I'm also going to start filtering everything to make my wine...
  10. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Yep, that sounds about right. It'll smooth out more in time but that first month is key.
  11. southlake333

    My new batch!

    Clear for 2 weeks, then add the cinnamon solution and let it clear some more until you feel like its ready to bottle. ;) Basically the longer you wait to bottle, the less sediment you'll end up with in the bottles. But its totally drinkable after you add the cinnamon solution.
  12. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    It is most likely yeast but the important thing to note is that visibly clear doesn't mean it is fully clear. This is why people bulk age wine for months and months (which I am now going to start doing even with skeeter recipes).
  13. southlake333

    Whole house filter

    Another question to ask would what point are you going to be filtering out things you don't want to take out of your wine. For example, filtering a red so much that it turns into a blush. Or a blush so much that it turns into a white (not sure if that's possible but still..worth asking).
  14. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    FYI, for anyone that does not plan to drink the 15 day recipe within a month, this is what will happen. I pitched the yeast on 6/11, bottled on 6/26 and now a little over 2 months later my bottles have that much sediment.
  15. southlake333

    In need of a good filter system

    This wasn't a kit, it was quad berry skeeter pee. Since most people seem to drink it quickly, I'm guessing very few others have seen what happens to it after a few months. In any case, I just need to know what size filter to use in order to get this stuff out. Or should I instead dump it all...
  16. southlake333

    In need of a good filter system

    Alrighty, I went ahead and ordered the All In One Wine pump from Steve as well as a whole house filter system with some 5 and 1 micron filters. Now on to my next original batch of Tinkleberry Tea (bottled 15 days from pitching the yeast) has a ton of nasty sediment. Yeah, I should...
  17. southlake333

    In need of a good filter system

    If I had to guess, I'd say its yeast. But it appears a month after bottling even when waiting 2 weeks after clearing using Sparkolloid. The wine looks completely clear when I bottle though. I am probably mixing in some of the sediment when I rack which ends up re-settling in the bottles. I'm...
  18. southlake333

    In need of a good filter system

    I'm interested in filtering my wine. It seems I always end up with some amount of sediment left when racking and eventually end up with a small amount of sediment in half of my bottles. So, I'd obviously prefer a crystal clear and polished looking wine so friends and family can ooo and aaahhh...
  19. southlake333

    Newbie two weeks in with questions.

    You would backsweeten after you have racked it (siphoned) off the sediment. Otherwise you'll just mix all the stuff at the bottom back in. This could be done in each of your new smaller jugs or in the primary (but only if you take the wine out, clean the primary, then put the wine back in for...
  20. southlake333

    Go big or go home... Right?

    :HB Genius! But I bet my wife would kill me...