Whole house filter

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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I found a .5 whole house filter over the weekend at my local farm and fleet for only 20.00 it is made by Culligan. Until now the cheapest I could find was 90.00
I have never used anything lower than a 1, so I am a little excited because I have had some problems in the past with refermenting in the bottle
You could still easily have refermentation in the bottles with that filter sorry to say. If you are looking to remove any yeast particles then what you need id a. 45 ABSOLUTE filter cartridge!.
Thanks Wade ! All I initially read was the first line on the price of his filters. I agree you have to have an absolute filter - so there will not be any fermenation in the future. I wonder if he has residual sugar and not using sorbate ?
You could still easily have refermentation in the bottles with that filter sorry to say. If you are looking to remove any yeast particles then what you need id a. 45 ABSOLUTE filter cartridge!.

Does the Pentek make an .45 micron filter?
Seems like I am having a hard time replying to this post, sorry if it comes thru several times, but that is a great price on .35 filter, better than I found. The only question is that one shows it at 91/2 inches tall and I think mine is 10 inches tall, not sure cause I am out of town, but is that standard? The other concern is .35 to small and could easily get plug up
Okay, what is the difference between absolute and non absolute
I did some research on nominal vs absolute filters

Nominal filters that are rated at 1micron have the ability to filter low as 1micron but may have particals much larger pass thru.

Absolute filters of .45 will not let anything larger than .45 to pass thru.

I always thought if a filter was rated at 1micron it wouldn't let anything larger than that pass thru.
Another question to ask would be...at what point are you going to be filtering out things you don't want to take out of your wine. For example, filtering a red so much that it turns into a blush. Or a blush so much that it turns into a white (not sure if that's possible but still..worth asking).
Does anyone know where to get a .45 absolute filter
Thanks wine maker I was hoping to find an absolute filter
Thanks wine maker I was hoping to find an absolute filter

No problem - I am looking at getting that as well.

I would like to get away from using sorbate - i think i am beginning to taste the sorbate when added in...
I just got my whole house filter today. I had already picked up some 1/4" hose barbs from the local hardware store. My question is this, do I need to put some Teflon tape on the threads? I sure don't want a leak when I start filtering. Thanks in advance for your help.

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