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  1. southlake333

    best juicer for beginner

    I think this depends on the fruit. For grapes, you do want the skins. For Oranges, you want the zest (outer skin) and inner fruit but not the pith. By peeling and de-seeding first, you could get around the parts you don't want. I personally have this juicer and love it...
  2. southlake333

    Sugar calculation

    I could be totally wrong here but this is what I do. Put the fruit in a mesh bag, mix up the must with some sugar (less than I plan to use), pectic enzyme, etc then place the fruit bag inside. Let it sit for 12 hours or so, then massage the bag for a while to get some juices out of it. Let it...
  3. southlake333

    Foamy beginning

    I guess my first question is, are you 100% sure you got an accurate SG reading after 3 days? If it's foaming like crazy in the secondary, it sounds like it is still in the middle of active fermentation which tells me the SG should be higher than you measured. Second question is, what...
  4. southlake333

    Is it clear yet

    There are many answers to this. First, you must understand the reason for clearing. There are many things suspended in your wine during fermentation that must fall out. In time, they will all fall out on their own but there lots of ways to speed it up (see posts above). Once your wine looks...
  5. southlake333

    Trying Dragon Blood...48hrs no Fermentation???

    That is what I do for alot of my wines. But this is Skeeter Pee so it requires a different process. There are 2 things happening here that you don't normally have with other wines. 1. Lemon juice is very acidic and basically a hostile environment for yeast. 2. Lemon juice contains...
  6. southlake333

    Trying Dragon Blood...48hrs no Fermentation???

    No you do not need to keep it at that initial temperature. Yes you should follow the instructions on the packet. The only other thing I suggest is to add a little bit of sugar to your starter as you are making a "starter" rather than just re-hydrating the yeast. By giving the yeast sugar to...
  7. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Well, since I haven't made it yet, I can't say for sure. But yes, the basic idea will be the same. I currently have 2 x 4lb bags of the tropical fruit mix so my thought right now will be to use the basic Dragon's Blood recipe, using either 6 or 8lbs of fruit (since I have 8) and cutting the...
  8. southlake333

    Skeeter Pee Variety Experiment

    Yep, that's the tropical fruit mix I'll be using. I'm assuming it will end up being a very refreshing summer drink...just in time for winter. :ft Of course, you know this means I now need your Blue Macaw Tropical Port Wine recipe. :)
  9. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Well, I got together all my ingredients yesterday, sanitized the fermentation buckets and was about to start a non bentonite quad berry as well as a tropical quad berry when I realized...I'm out of places to store finished Not only that, my kitchen is full of homeless bottles of...
  10. southlake333

    Skeeter Pee Variety Experiment

    :u Last night I bottled the lemon lime pee split into 2 gallon batches and sweetened in the above listed ways. I do have to say that the extra week I let it sit in the carboy (vs when I bottled the other pee) drastically reduced the new wine taste and made backsweetening to taste much...
  11. southlake333

    Testing apple wine after second carboy

    Mine was 1.012 but I think anything between 1.008 and 1.012 would be perfect.
  12. southlake333

    Testing apple wine after second carboy

    Ok, that's a good recipe. Then yeah, you're just tasting the yeasty young wine taste. Let it age a bit, then backsweeten to taste using apple juice concentrate. You'll love it!
  13. southlake333

    Wine Tasting

    For anyone interested in the exact recipe I used for the Welch's Hard Grape, here it it: Welch's Hard Grape 4 Gallons Welch's Grape Juice 5 Cans frozen Welch's Grape Juice Concentrate 15 Cans water (3 per can of concentrate) (you could just use all concentrate reconstituted or just all juice...
  14. southlake333

    Wine Tasting

    So, I attended a going away party for a coworker last night and took several bottles of my homemade goodness. Unfortunately we didn't get around to opening my Hard Apple Cider as I was really curious about getting opinions on that. But anyway, here's what I took over that was actually tasted...
  15. southlake333

    RJ Spagnols Kit Reviews

    I'm not concerned about that. I'll boost the ABV and backsweeten to taste rather than follow the kit exactly. I'm more concerned with the overall flavor. I'm also considering swapping the Raspberry White Zin for the Blackberry Merlot.
  16. southlake333

    RJ Spagnols Kit Reviews

    I'm considering making the following Orchard Breezen kits as FVW has them on sale this month. Has anyone tried them? If so, can you give me your opinion? Blueberry Shiraz Green Apple Gewürztraminer Raspberry White Zin Sangria with Seville Orange
  17. southlake333

    It was a Blueberry kind of Day

    And here I thought that was your back yard lab... :(
  18. southlake333

    hot weather playing hell with wine

    Its just a matter of personal experience. If you always do things a certain way and end up with good results, you will be afraid that deviations will cause negative side effects. For those up north, heat is one of those deviations. For those of us down south, heat is the norm (within reason...
  19. southlake333

    Testing apple wine after second carboy

    Not sure what your recipe was but I've made several batches of hard apple cider. As with any wine, it'll taste funny early on (during or right after fermentation). This is called a "new wine" or "young wine" taste that fades within a few weeks. I always backsweeten mine using apple juice...
  20. southlake333

    New Jersey permit??

    Well it sure would have been cool to have an official government document stating your winemaking capabilities. I know that'd make me feel important...hehe.