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  1. U

    I want to make rocket fuel

    OL,Golden tounge.Loved him......Dig it Upper
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    you might be a wino if.....

    Corks So I take it I don't need to save the corks????? Upper
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    kiwi wine - freezing excess

    Anna, the two liters you have frozen are now cold and all alone.They are now different than your others.When you thaw them will they start fermintation?Do you dare add them to a clearing wine?These are all questions for the Pro,s.I am not only play one at my house...........Upper
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    kiwi wine - freezing excess

    In your case I am thinking no.What was the SG when you froze it? Dig it .Upper
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    Neighbor has a Persimmon tree,what are some thoughts on a wine to go with cookies from said tree. Can You? Upper
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    How Many Members in the Forum?

    Is this a Quiz?.......Upper
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    Thanks to everyone

    Is there a thread on the copper pipe deal? Upper
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    Can you identify this?

    The smile on that face gave it away Sid.........Upper:sm
  9. U

    Jailbroke iPhone?

    Maybe Smurf is up to a Quiz..........Upper:hh
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    What R you doing today?

    Last weekend in Calif.for my zone.......Upper
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    What R you doing today?

    Just shot a buck,can't do liver but heart sandwiches are in order for tommorrow.Cut a little wood also...........................Upper
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    Other Crybaby

    1.086 on the red and 1.09 on the thompson.Thanks for the response Tom,Thompson seedless can be grown for table,wine and raisins.Table Thompsons are trellised different than the other two,table is also bunch thined,by the bunch and by the berry.Giberillic acid is used for controlled shatter and...
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    Other Crybaby

    Just pitched the yeast in two 6 gallon buckets of juice.Buddy of mine got them for us.One white "Thompson" and one red.Don't know what the red is,but I think they are "Table wines".The lable is 'Crybaby',from central Calif.any body ever heard of it? Dig it....Upper
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    I can hit wine bottles in the air from the hip with my 22 ruger single six.Of coarse they are reloads fired from a clean barrel,wood barrel,light toast:b Dig it.....Upper
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    air gap in secondary fermentation!

    It is said here by the Veterans not to worry about oxidation in the primary or secondary.Oh and welcome.....Upper
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    For all intentents ann pourposes that is not true Wade.Unless you only clean your carboy every 20 batches. Just saying.......Upper
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    Berries or Grapes

    Birds and cattle and deer and bears eat the Elderberies here.You snooze you loose.....Upper
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    Elderberry Wine

    I have de-stemmed about 50 pounds this year,and I am a Cowboy baby....Upper
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    Elderberry/Blackberry Port

    In case I missed it,how is your Eldo doing Wade? Upper
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    Peach wine - what do I do now?

    DOF you are right about this site.I am a newbe but here goes.You need a hydrometer to find out specific gravity and a Reciepe for starters.....Upper