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  1. V

    Just crushed my first grapes. How long after Kmeta to pitch yeast?

    This is kind of turning into a batch/recipe thread... so I'll fill in a few more details. The innitial specific gravity reading was about 1.090 on my hydrometer... however, my refractometer was saying 1.080. I tend to believe the hydrometer a little more than the refractometer, but at the...
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    Just crushed my first grapes. How long after Kmeta to pitch yeast?

    Checked the s.g. last night... about 18 hours into primary fermentation. The gravity has so far dropped from about 1.100 down to 1.080
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    Just crushed my first grapes. How long after Kmeta to pitch yeast?

    Checked the must at lunch time, it is bubbling quite intensely... so I'll take that as a good sign.
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    Just crushed my first grapes. How long after Kmeta to pitch yeast?

    The good news is that I did wait over 24 hours , stirred it a bunch and even transferred the must from a small to a larger receptacle right before pitching the yeast. Hopefully that introduced some good oxygen. Is the big thing I have to worry about is fermentation not taking off or getting...
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    Just crushed my first grapes. How long after Kmeta to pitch yeast?

    I'm starting to think I screwed up :( The Kmeta I have is in tablet form, they are 0.5g each. The packaging said one tablet per gallon results in 30 ppm SO2. Since I had about 1.25 gallons I did the math and fount that 2 tablets would result in 50ppm which is what the wine making write-up I...
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    Just crushed my first grapes. How long after Kmeta to pitch yeast?

    Just crushed my first grapes. Newbie Regent wine in the making I just harvested and crushed my first grapes, a 2 year old Regent. Here are my values: S.G. 1.090 T.A. 5.0 g/L (using titration method, so pretty accurate +/- 0.5 g/L) pH 3.8 (not so accurate, using narrow band pH strips) I...
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    Picked Petite Pearl

    Oh wow... I might be in over my head if 25 vines produces 20 gallons :HB. I planted 50 this year!
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    Hit 20 Brix yesterday, time to cut watering?

    Very helpful info... thanks for the responses!
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    Hit 20 Brix yesterday, time to cut watering?

    I'm in year 3 with my Regent grapes in NW washington. I have been monitoring the brix through the month of August, just hit 20 yesterday, I'm using ghetto pH strips and I think I'm somewhere around 3.3-3.4. I am shooting for 24 brix and a pH of 3.5 before harvest. I often hear wine grape...
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    Recently completed backyard vineyard in NW Washington

    Haha... well that's our makeshift deer deterrent. We need to get the mesh up ASAP, of all the leaves on the property, for some reason the deer want the grape vine leaves :(
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    Recently completed backyard vineyard in NW Washington

    I just wanted to quick share a photo of our recently completed vineyard in NW Washington. It was a lot more work than expected, but we are very happy with the results! The vines were planted back in April, they are 50 Regent vines. Row spacing is 8', vine spacing is 6'. Cordon wire is at...
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    Regent grapes starting to show color in the PNW

    Nice to hear from you! My parent's inlaw also have 50 regent vines planted... I was the guinea pig starting 4 vines a year before they got theirs in the ground. So we have 54 vines between the two of us. We left a few cluster on their vines... but only about one per plant. I think between...
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    First vines planted

    That's a high post-to-vine ratio at 1:1 ! Looks great though!
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    Regent grapes starting to show color in the PNW

    I snapped a few pictures to share of my Regent grapes which are rapidly picking up color and sugar content... so early this year! This is my third leafing and the first time I am letting a substantial amount of grapes hang... about 50 clusters on 4 vines. Last year I left only one cluster just...
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    Sanitizer and cleaner

    I also use StarSan for sanitation. I recently bought the 5star brand cleaner as well, "PBW". No complaints,per se, but I do think I'll go back to 1step for my cleaner.
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    "Pinching buds"?

    Did you mean to say it will "not" hurt the vine but will kill the bud? Thanks for the response... when you are pinching the buds, are you actually pulling off the bud material or are you just crushing it and leaving it there? I know this is probably embarassingly stupid questions, but I just...
  17. V

    What is this on Regent vine leaves

    My Regent leaves did the exact same thing this summer... I didn't pull mine off like you did and the leaves which were affected ended up dying and falling off :(. Were you able to figure out what was causing this?
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    "Pinching buds"?

    What exactly is involved with the process of "pinching buds" that I have read with reference to mainting grape vines? I think it means literally pulling off unwanted buds before they grow into vines, but is that OK to do the vines without causing unwanted damage? Is this typically done in the...