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  1. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Soo...apparently I talk about my wine too much. I was just sifting through several flip top bottles that had been opened, sampled and set in the fridge when my 2 year old daughter came up and asked "daddy, you drinking your tinkleberries?". Tinkleberry Tea is what I call my quad berry skeeter...
  2. southlake333

    First Batch

    Good choice, I like Dave's recipe much better than standard Skeeter Pee (but both are great).
  3. southlake333

    Brown Sugar vs White Sugar

    I suggest making it like a normal cider, then backsweetening with this: 1 cup water 1 cup brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon Make a syrup from the above ingredients, then add to taste (shouldn't end up using it all). The end result will be a cider that tastes like apple pie.
  4. southlake333

    my very 1st!!!!

    Wanted to give you an update in case you decide to try this recipe. My corks started popping a few days ago and I ended up having to dump it all out due to excessive carbonation. The recipe says to rack off yeast and add campden at 1.010 to stop fermentation. Knowing that wouldn't do the...
  5. southlake333

    First Batch

    I picked up the stuff to try another round of the berry pee as well (quad berry). This time I'll be cutting back on the lemon (per Dave's suggestion) as well as not using bentonite (per Dave's comparison experiment).
  6. southlake333

    First Batch

    Measured mine this afternoon and both were .990 so I went ahead and racked with campden, sorbate and sparkolloid. Per my notes from last time, it took 9 days to fully clear. I assume we wil both be bottling by next Sunday (and I'll be updating my test thread with the results).
  7. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Follow the recipe, not the bottle.
  8. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Haha, love the name! I'll be very interested to see how that turns out as "fermented cherry" always means "medicine flavor" to me.
  9. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    That's what I used too. I haven't been able to find the triple berry blend.
  10. southlake333

    First Batch

    Since Thursday night 7/5. However, I added some sugar when I racked to the secondary to boost the abv a bit so mine it taking a little longer. I'm fermenting at 74 degrees.
  11. southlake333

    welches grape questions

    Wine by definition is simply the fermented juice of fruit. That could be grapes, peaches, lemons, concentrated fruit juice from whatever you enjoy or anything else you can imagine. Really the only question is whether your creation is "good". That is completely a matter of taste. If you like...
  12. southlake333

    First Batch

    Just wait. You're plugging along just fine, don't try to rush it. My 2 batches are still fermenting as well.
  13. southlake333

    Bentonite and/or Sparkolloid: Comparative Study

    Very good to know, thanks! I'll make the next batch without Bentonite to see the difference.
  14. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    I'm definitely going to have to try a batch of this. The ease of just dumping in some concentrate is too tempting to pass up.
  15. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    Looks great!
  16. southlake333

    Other Which vendor do you recommend

    I agree but its mainly because he's just down the street from me. :r Can't beat no shipping and a big ole store to browse. Speaking of which, I need to make it over to his new and improved store to checkout all the available goodies.
  17. southlake333

    Skeeter Pee Variety Experiment

    Concentrates and juices contain sugar so they will add to the overall sugar content. If you are targeting a specific SG and have a specific amount of sugar you plan to use, just reduce the amount of sugar you add initially, add the concentrate, then test and add sugar in small increments until...
  18. southlake333

    Skeeter Pee Variety Experiment

    For the recipes I listed above, yes I'm going to use them as backsweeteners. For John's recipe (oldwhiskers), he is using the concentrates during primary fermentation. Backsweetening with the concentrates should result in a flavor more closely tied to the concentrate. Fermenting with the...
  19. southlake333

    Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

    You would be able to get it into the secondary where it could sit for as long as you want (and could end up clearing without a clearing agent). But you won't be able to get to the sparkolloid step before you go. I say go ahead and do it. The carboy phase is the most variable length phase...
  20. southlake333

    Skeeter Pee Variety Experiment

    Pour them in with no dilution. The goal is to get the flavor without watering down the wine.