You can add acid blend anytime you want right up to bottling. It does help to add from the start because it aids the yeast's environment, but no biggie whatsoever. I like to add either acid blend or citric acid as part of my adjustments before bottling. I like a semisweet tartness.
I make Welch's, always have made Welch's, and always will make Welch's. It is a fine wine for lowbrow drinkability, and no one I have ever handed a glass to has not liked it. It's a Good Friends and Good Times wine.
I make others, but I doubt I will ever quit with Welch's.
Stuff to fiddle with:
1. Try 4 cans to a gallon...OH BOY, we are getting intense now!!!
2. Buy blueberry concentrate and dump that in there after stabilizing but before bottling. Let settle a week or so, then bottle. Yes, that'sa-nice!!!
3. Try using lemon juice as your acid at the end to add tartness. You will have to let it settle out again, so add it on the racking before your final one, to taste.
Fun wine to play with, and not so expensive or high-class that you are afraid to fool around with it. Reminds me of some of my old girlfriends!
Shhh! Don't mention that to my