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  1. Amanda660


    My farm house mudroom has a long counter and every so often I rack there. The mudroom has carpet. Yes, we put carpet in - not a great choice thinking about it now but at the time with 4 kids it was wicked cheap and easy to clean - with care it suffered no harm from wine making for several...
  2. Amanda660


    Appreciate this thread. I will be doing this process for the first time in the near future - oh my goodness its not an easy thing to just read, understand and go do. The different products alone drove me to drink - I narrowed down to CH16 & VP41 and I'm leaning toward CH16 simply for the ease.
  3. Amanda660

    Cellar Craft Sterling California Sauvignon Blanc

    Enjoyed reading this thread. What is next on the list to make?
  4. Amanda660

    What R you doing today?

    Towed camper then smoker into town so I can get started in the wee hours on a very adventurous smoked/BBQ meal for an amazing crew of aircraft maintainers. Maiden voyage for my homemade smoker - she'll be my competition smoker next season if all goes well. Of course lots of wine & home-brew...
  5. Amanda660

    Hello from North Georgia

    Welcome fellow retired USAF - we got into wine & beer making about 3 years ago and love it! This is a fantastic forum you'll enjoy perusing the threads!
  6. Amanda660

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Holy cow - I have never looked for anything wine related on Amazon! After perusing this thread my cart is full of wine kits. I'm gonna need a bigger wine rack (insert Jaws music)!
  7. Amanda660

    MLF-Green Apple Taste?

    No offense taken - I'm here for honest input (I did gag on the skim around earwigs section - ha). I tried to enjoy the complete process with my first batch (homemade peach) and gagged when I tasted it. It wasn't the taste it was what my mind was thinking was floating in it and I have been a...
  8. Amanda660

    MLF-Green Apple Taste?

    I don't taste my wine for mos. I go off smell & for a better term "swirl action" in a glass (I often photograph the wine in the glass). I've been very curious what do you get smell vs taste? It grosses me out to taste a wine not on its way into the aging process. Am I alone here?
  9. Amanda660

    Friend is giving me Cab grapes, need help

    I'm still not over being jealous but I can't wait for an update! Go you!
  10. Amanda660


    I always rack before bottling - I want to basically be able to read through it in a wine glass before I bottle. A long time ago in a not so far away land.....well.....anyways I tried to skip a step and I bottled a cloudy wine. All I have to say is once you do bottle a cloudy wine, realize what...
  11. Amanda660

    Bottle quality rating is there such a thing?

    Champagne bottles are very different! My Bunco girlfriends save all their Moscato D'Asti bottles so I'm never in short supply of sparkling wine bottles. I think they look like a pinot noir bottle on steroids. Its not just the neck that is thick....its the whole bottle that is thick.
  12. Amanda660

    Bottle quality rating is there such a thing?

    I hit a few local wineries that recycle and dumpster dive with pride. The quality is excellent and they take very little effort to clean. The port bottles are the best find. I haven't purchased bottles since my very first batch.
  13. Amanda660

    What's in your glass tonight?

    Happy Birthday!!!
  14. Amanda660

    I love it when a plan comes together

    I back sweetened mine with home-made caramel. Never thought of the cinnamon avenue! Can't wait to hear about how it ages.
  15. Amanda660

    What's in your glass tonight?

    With all the boxing up of wines for competitions I stumbled across about 15 Shiraz (75%) Cabernet Sauvignon (25%) blend I bottled last year. Gotta love the bottom shelf in the dark corner. Quite delicious I might add but I need a better inventory system because right next to it is a Shiraz...
  16. Amanda660

    The great white wine competition

    Oh my great question BernardSmith!!! I didn't even think about "white" when I packed some fruit wines. They are on the way so can't change anything!
  17. Amanda660

    The great white wine competition

    Mine are boxed and ready to go out tomorrow. Thanks for the opportunity:db
  18. Amanda660

    The importance of social media and web presence

    From a marketing view current updates are a yes, yes, and yes! People are using this avenue (internet in general) to plan where they eat, where they spend the weekend, where they buy items...where they spend money. Get your deals out there - let people know what is going on so they want to...
  19. Amanda660

    Five Gallon Carboy

    I use 3 cans and about 2 lbs of sugar per gal - I try to get the SG between 1.075 - 1.090. I've made a half dozen batches for my sweet wine loving girlfriends. Good to drink early.