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  1. bein_bein

    Post a photo, any photo

    Some pics of my OTHER hobby, modifying cycles... She started like this Now looks like this 100_0734 by Brian Nemecek Here's another one.. Before.. After
  2. bein_bein

    Hot pepper wines

    I've made 3 type of hot pepper wine. The tamest is my Dragon's breath, a 3 gal pineapple/applejuicehot pepper blend. A total of 7 peppers: 1 – Hungarian Wax 1 – Habanero 1 – Jalapeno 1 – Serrano Del Sol 3 - Chili Peppers Oaked on red American...
  3. bein_bein

    Show Us Your Pets

    These are our two Border Collie girls, Shadow and Dustie. Shadow is the classic Black/white, Dustie is more of a blue merle. They love playing in the snow.... And the's a short vid of our last trip to the beach..
  4. bein_bein

    carrot wine???

    Sincere apologies for not seeing this (much) sooner :slp Somehow this one slipped through the address your question, I actually posted this on another (un-named) wine forum :D The rest, as they history.. :D
  5. bein_bein

    Recap your weekend...

    Thanks wolf! NAH... that would have been too easy only having 130-some rungs to cut/sand/stain instead of the 260 or so I did :( lol.. It's a slightly modified version of pgottshall's plans. I'll have to keep that approach in mind for the next rack :D
  6. bein_bein

    Recap your weekend...

    Phew... we had a busy weekend here at Lamont Cellars :D Started off Friday night fighting the weather (3-4" of forecast snow turned into 9") getting the rest of the staining material for the wine rack being built. Saturday was spent getting my new wine rack about 95% completed.. Then...
  7. bein_bein

    Affording the Habit...

    I have a family member that will supply the ingredients for a 50-50 split of the bottled batch. Either that or I just accept that there is a cost involved for every hobby and just bite the bullet! :D
  8. bein_bein

    Post your labels here

    I looked and looked and looked... :HBI couldn't find any chocolate candy cane... LOLOL :D
  9. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    Here's one of the articles from which I based my experiment/times. Another article I found seems to lend credence to the theory I posted earlier and one possible solution that was suggested was adding tannin.... Very interesting... maybe...
  10. bein_bein

    Water used in wine?

    We have well water and a softener system, but I have noticed that when I use the treated well water vs store bought spring water, it takes much longer to for the wines clear. I usually end up using a clearing agent with well water wines. Spring water seems to be easier to clear.
  11. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    Here's a more in-depth explanation... way over my head :D
  12. bein_bein

    does anyone bottle in beer bottles?

    I've used the 375 with beer caps. Had no problems with mine. They were great for chillin skeeter pee for those hot summer days..
  13. bein_bein

    Post your labels here

    Couple more that are now on the wineracks :D
  14. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    Didn't really pay that much attention, so I can't say with any surety..
  15. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    The only thing added to the crushed berries prior to cold soak was a campden tab. Plan is to get berries from the same source this year, maybe I will repeat the process with the addition of pectic enzyme and water.... or I'll just make a bigger batch of blueberry port!! :D
  16. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    Did not add any liquid to the cold soak, crushed the berries then let them soak in the fridge at 40-42deg for 4 day. When I made the two batches of wine at the same time I did the same as always, added water that was room temp, since I use bottled water for all my wines. Then pitched the yeast...
  17. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    Yes I did. I always let my must sit 24hrs before pitching yeast. That's just something I have gotten into the habit of doing, especially with fruit wines, so that the pectin can do its thing before fermentation starts....
  18. bein_bein

    Marking or Labeling Corks?

    oh u silly Keena...this hobby is just like boating...but instead of being a hole in the water into which u pour money...this is a hole in your face into which you (eventually) pour money :D ...lolol
  19. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    Don't be sorry... they confuse AND disappoint me... lol
  20. bein_bein

    An experiment in cold-soak maceration..

    yup... started the same day, same yeast, side by side the whole time... No other differences other than the 'robustness' of the fruit flavor.and I'm 99.99998253% sure the tags never got mixed up since I did all the racking and transferring. I almost wish I could say that they were probably...