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  1. W

    Concrete Tanks

    That is where I heard of that!!! I watched a huge story of their lives and I now remember hearing about those concrete tanks on the tv show. Thanks John.
  2. W

    My 4000th post

    Good job my friend!
  3. W

    wow! Thank You WMT!

    What recipe did you use?
  4. W

    Concrete Tanks

    Thinking about now it dawned on me that wells are concrete! LOL
  5. W

    Concrete Tanks

    Well than I stand corrected but it just doesnt sound very food grade to me! I personally wouldnt like my wine in there. Who the hell knows whats in that concrete and what your wine could get exposed to.
  6. W


    Bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa!
  7. W

    Concrete Tanks

    I know its what they used to do many many eons ago but we have learned many things since then. Some are just improvements and some are necessities!
  8. W

    I think I have this clear beer down to a science

    We dont want to see pics of your version of Budweiser!!!! LOL
  9. W

    Grandma & Grandpa

    Bwaaaaa haaaa haaaaaa
  10. W

    What kind is this white cork?

    Yeah, it says synthetic in an old article. It also says the new RQ kits come with custom shrink wraps but I didnt see corks this time.
  11. W

    My Cabernet is 3.28 ph!

    This is a kit wine, the only reason to bother testing a kit is just to see or to practice using a PH meter. Kit wines, due to the processing the juices go through will almost always be off as far as that goes. Some of us have been in your shoes and called this to the manufacturers attn. and that...
  12. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    Nice job! I was informed about the beer forums layout being messed up and asked the boss to straighten it out as I dont like playing around in the template area. Just be patient as he runs about 21 forums in all!!! Homebrewtalk is 1 of them and if any of you are on there you know thats a huge...
  13. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    OK, its there, now start filling it as and empty forum is 1 that will be deleted!
  14. W

    Brew Day with Pics!

    Sorry guys and gals, I kind of forgot with everything going on here. Ill do it right now!
  15. W

    I'll be a judge at TAP NY 2014!

    Check out this 1! Imagine the size manifold youd have to make!!! LOL
  16. W

    Honey Sources

    Seems like some good prices. Orange Blossom is awesome as is Tupelo!!!!!
  17. W

    I'll be a judge at TAP NY 2014!

    Tom, I remember awhile back seeing a recipe for pumpkin ale where you fermented the beer in an actual pumpkin. Think of the size batch you could brew in 1 of your pumpkins!!!!!!! Congrats on being a judge!
  18. W

    FUN with SNOW!

    Some great pics!
  19. W

    The Story of My Wife

    Freakin WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! That is so great to hear. Now,may I have the name of your judge so I can now take my wife there!!!!!! :br
  20. W

    Did I get a good deal??

    Yeah, I have never not been able to upload a manual for something I bought without 1 or if I lost it.