Did I get a good deal??

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Feb 9, 2010
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I just bought this but I wonder if I got a good deal...

So how much would you pay???

This is a used 6 plate filter in "like new" condition. It came with 5 and 1/2 "bricks" of medium filter pads. It is not self priming, but I can deal with that...

It did not come with a manual. Does anybody here have any experience with this particular unit? Any tips would be appreciated!

Up until now, I have been using my Bon Vino Superjet.
It should be very similar to your super jet, just with 6 pads. Look at your super jet instructions and pay attention to the direction of the wine flow vs the orientation of the pads (rough vs smooth surface). Place them in the same orientation in this one and you should be good to go. I'd probably test it out with something that wasn't too valuable to start.
Did you google the model to look for the manual online? i.e., probabaly a PDF doc floating around somewhere.
Just a bit more info on this.

I bought this off of a very good friend of mine that I actually got started in winemaking.

The man really knows how to keep his equipment. The thing is immaculate!

He sold it to be because he is now doing much smaller batches and this filter is a bit of over-kill for what he now makes.
Yeah, I have never not been able to upload a manual for something I bought without 1 or if I lost it.
John we use to sell those but they are since discontinued due to all the issues. One of the small issues was pads always blowing out and spraying wine like 10' away. That is common. The motor innerd's are plastic and no longer available. Plus there was an even bigger issue about where the pads were made and the sanitation issue with them. I think you'll enjoy it though for small batches like 5-10 gallons as long as you don't mind a bit of fiber in your wine. Nice buy! Big Lots were selling these last year for a lot more than that.
John we use to sell those but they are since discontinued due to all the issues. One of the small issues was pads always blowing out and spraying wine like 10' away. That is common. The motor innerd's are plastic and no longer available. Plus there was an even bigger issue about where the pads were made and the sanitation issue with them. I think you'll enjoy it though for small batches like 5-10 gallons as long as you don't mind a bit of fiber in your wine. Nice buy! Big Lots were selling these last year for a lot more than that.

Are you serious or are you just pulling my leg? You make it sound that I should, perhaps, not use this filter at all.

My intent was to use this to filter a 500 liter tank. Are you saying that this will not do the job?

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