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  1. W

    Drill Mount Degasser

    I agree that #2 is the better longer lasting option! I use mine also in 1 gallon containers but to do so I had to grind down the screws right to the point where the nut finishes otherwise the screw sticks out to far.
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    How Cold Was it?

    It was so cold that even old man winter said screw this and lit a fire!
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    How Cold Was it?

    Now that was way beyond cold Dan! LOL
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    How Cold Was it?

    Its so cold out that Im actually sitting here typing on one of Dan's posts instead of fishing!
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    How Cold Was it?

    It was so cold we had to chop up the piano for fire wood, we only got 2 Chords!
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    How Cold Was it?

    Oh, that Mitt is priceless! C.mon, really!
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    How Cold Was it?

    Its so cold that the Chickens are begging KFC to fry them. Its so cold the Smoke froze up in the chimney! Its so cold that even members of congress could get into a heated argument!!
  8. W

    Polar Vortex? I blame Ray Way.

    One of the greatest commercials ever. When I first saw it I emailed the Youtube link to just about everyone I knew.
  9. W

    did I ruin it? whirfloc tablets

    Me neither! Let us know the end result please. Me thinks its time to start brewing some beer again, I have to admit its been awhile gents and Gals but all this beer talk has me thirsty and even though there are some great beers out there nothing is better then your own!
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    Polar Vortex? I blame Ray Way.

    I can picture Dan in a round room looking for that corner!!!!!
  11. W

    wheat beer and yeast

    I prefer using Danstar Munich German Wheat Beer Yeast for all my Wheats.
  12. W

    Polar Vortex? I blame Ray Way.

    Is that what you do also Steve, I wondered what you did besides make great products. How long before you can retire to your real job of pump making only? I dont mean being too old but when you are eligible through your job as a State or City worker.
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    Polar Vortex? I blame Ray Way.

    I thought you were going to tell Julie to spin the bottle fopr a second and had to take another look, I guess that would warm things up also!!! :HB;)
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    Polar Vortex? I blame Ray Way.

    We had some blistering cold days a couple nights ago. The Dishwasher supply line which runs inside our kitchen cabinets along an exterior wall froze up the other night but luckily I caught it before it split and thawed it out with a few heaters. Temp here is dropping again for a few days but not...
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    My Best Toy Ever...

    Dan, I looked at those when I initially hurt my back. There was another company also that was making something similar and its true purpose was for wine carboys. I ended up with just the vacuum pump and it worked great for me but for larger volumes and vessels that cant be vacuumed I can sure...
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    Southern Home Security System

    Freakin Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. W

    Happy Birthday TxBrew

    Well then the heck with ya! LOL, just kidding! Hold that thought until it is your B-Day!
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    Happy Birthday TxBrew

    Happy B-Day Boss!!!!
  19. W

    need some help, new batch turned sweet to dry?

    Without knowing your starting # and what yeast you used I'm afraid we probably can't help you. If the starting # was very high and the new yeast you used was not designed for a high starting specific gravity (SG) then the alcohol has exceeded the yeasts alcohol tolerance and this wine is stuck...
  20. W

    need some help, new batch turned sweet to dry?

    Before you attempt to try something you really ought to have some understanding first. Its very hard to fix something that we dont know whats wrong with it. Please give us a more detailed description of exactly what you did, what temp its at, what sg it was ag when it stopped etc.