Not every two weeks...LMAO!!!!! I'll brew approx 8 batches within a 2 week period, all grain, to fill my inventory. Depending on how many buddies come over, or if we go to one of our "tasting parties", that can last from 1-2 months, but I won't brew more than the legal limit of 200 gallons, that would be illegal.

I usually like to keep the following in stock:
Hoptimum IPA clone
Centennial IPA clone
Blonde Cascade Pale Ale -APA
Golden Amarillo Ale - APA
Imperial Irish Ale
Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale
Sammy Adams Boston Lager Clone
This give a nice variety, some light for my buddies that think that Bud is a good, Some IPA's and Lagers for the rest of us.
I plan on brewing a Guinness Stout Clone and a Helles Bock at some point, my buddy has the best Guinness recipe! at some point I'd like to try a fruit beer, a small batch, I saw a recipe for a light American pale ale with the addition of cherries, once again, it would have to be real light, nothing over powering, but I'd give it a shot just to see what it is about.
To be honest, I can't wait until I can get a kegerator, washing and sanitizing this many bottles (each batch fills 2 cases -48 bottles) is a major pain in the arse, plus the fact that the beer tastes so much better.