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  1. whine4wine

    Any wine vinegar makers here??

    We always use Bragg organic apple cider vinigar. It has some great health benifits. I must confess I never thought of making more with some apple wine, I suppose it might be cheaper as Bragg is quite expensive. Apple wine seems to disappear fast around my house.......must be that wine...
  2. whine4wine

    Taste of Fruit Wines.. Some input?

    I am currently making my 4th batch of apple. Your starting SG will indeed yeild some potent wine. You could start with a lower SG startpoint, or use a flavor pac to sweeten the batch. I have had good luck using Frozen Concentrated Apple Juice to flavor and sweeten my wine, after it has been...
  3. whine4wine

    Knock the Panties Off Strawberry Label

    Sorry, I did not mean to offend.
  4. whine4wine

    Knock the Panties Off Strawberry Label

    Grapple sounds good! That is going to have to be on my to do list.
  5. whine4wine

    Knock the Panties Off Strawberry Label

    So I might have found a photo for your next batch of Strawberry. Edit- Sorry everyone, it was just to close to the edge although very classy. Great photo though.
  6. whine4wine

    grandchild #10??

    Hey I can play this game!! Heres grandchild #9, Elise We now have nine grandchildren, with just our first two daughters, my son has yet to start.
  7. whine4wine

    Petit Le Mans 2010 Race Photos

    Great shots, I was watching on TV. Wish I was there, looks like fun.
  8. whine4wine

    Kicking in the north

    OK Troy .....Time to break the silence.... Did Leanne finally make it over from the UK??? I was beginning to wonder if you got lost in the woods. It has been quite some time since you posted. We miss the "Class Clown" at WMT, your posts always make us smile.:h How about some pictures. At...
  9. whine4wine

    Help!! Name request

    Winters Kiss wouldn't be bad either.
  10. whine4wine

    Joke of the Day

    Two men are out fishing, when one of them desides to light up a cigar, but realizes he forgot his matches. "You got a light?" he asks. "Sure do"' his friend replies. So out of his tackle box he pulls out a 12" tall Bic Lighter. His friend lights his cigar and says "that is a really cool...
  11. whine4wine

    Where do you enjoy your summer?

    Very nice deck Wade........But Mahogany.....OMG that must have cost a fortune.:slp
  12. whine4wine

    Crazy dreams???? Anyone else have 'em?

    I had a dream a couple of days ago, and in my dream our dog was wandering away, (as she sometimes does when she gets on a scent) so in the dream I called for her to come to me. A moment later I was awakened by the sound of our dog walking down the hardwood hallway to the bedroom, where she gets...
  13. whine4wine

    hott enuff for ya?

    Last 5 days in Michigan have been in mid 90's. I have been staying at the cabin this week and driving back and forth to work. The temp of the lake is 88 degrees, cant even cool off swimming.:h OH Yea, I work in a foundry......temps have been right near 100...and that is where the...
  14. whine4wine

    Happy canada day !!!!

    Where are you going?:h And Happy Canada Day.
  15. whine4wine

    What R you doing today?

    Sorry to hear of the loss Larry. Sometimes work buds can be as close as family.
  16. whine4wine

    A winemaking story

    Wade replied "Everyone is welcome at this place, from anyplace in the world, or from out of it". Just then a flying saucer hovered overhead, and a little green man stuck his head out the window and asked if Wade and Jimbo had ever heard of a wine called Skeeter Pee, High Octane.
  17. whine4wine

    This is me!

    Well I guess its been here's one of me and my grandson Daniel, going for a little boat ride.
  18. whine4wine

    Super-Kleer help

    I recently purchased some...........haven't tried it yet but the results sound encouraging. I've got a batch of cherry that is about ready, it should make a good test project.
  19. whine4wine

    How did you find out about

    Found this place on a Yahoo search. Found tons of information and friendly people. A+A+A+A+A+