Knock the Panties Off Strawberry Label

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smart @$$
Aug 18, 2009
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Here is the finished product Thank UglyBhamGuy for art. This is the coolest label I have ever put on a bottle

foot 009.jpg

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Nice! Glad i could help. If you ever open a winery gimme a job in the art department. LOL.

You know the "Quiz" threads and the "What is this?" threads, i was thinking maybe a "Here's the type of wine - show us your best label" thread. (The idea was born of the 'Skeeter Pee Label' thread and kinda matured when this came up.)
Fantastic UBG, that is excellent. What progam are you using to create that?
i just supplied (borrowed...shhhh) the artwork.
He described the wine (strawberry, high ABV) and the name and i knew that Art Frahm was this bizarre artist that did stuff of women in vicarious positions with their drawers down (that makes me sound old, "drawers") and that was the first one that i found online that had pink panties (strawberry... kept thinking, pink-panty-pulldown. LOL.). Funny thing about Frahm is that in most (if not all) of his pics there is celery. i wonder what it is about celery that affects the elastic in ladies under garments.
So I might have found a photo for your next batch of Strawberry.

Edit- Sorry everyone, it was just to close to the edge although very classy. Great photo though.
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I love the label but I doubt the missus would like it if I put it on my wines. She's very conservative and hates it when I say ****. :D
Now don't get me wrong,,, I've been happily married for 31 years,,,,
but if the good Lord didn't mean for us men to look at women, why did he make them all so good looking??
I love the labels..

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