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  1. J

    Can I get more body & flavor?

    My first batch was elderberry using Vintner's Harvest base, while I was quite pleased I would like more body and flavor. Today I stopped by the supply store and picked up two 96 oz. cans of Vineters peach base, my question is. If I use both cans in a five gal. batch will it increase the flavor...
  2. J

    Thank You

    This was the first wine making forum I found and didn't look any further. I have asked several new guy questions as I had never even attempted to make wine before, (long story on how I got interested). But even my most elementary questions were answered in a curtious manner. I don't spell...
  3. J

    Trying to get recommended starting SG

    Actually Wade. the recipe was from the Winemaker's Recipe Handbook that came with the equipment kit I purchased from a well recommended retailer on this site. I did not realize the proper way to introduce the sugar was to add it to part of the water and heat, I will do this in the future, I...
  4. J

    Trying to get recommended starting SG

    I just started my third batch even though I haven't bottled my first yet. I know the more info I provide the better you will be able to answer my question so at the risk of having everyone doze off while reading the recipe is as follows. 3.5 lbs. strawberrys, 7pts. water, 2 lb. sugar, 1 tsp...
  5. J

    how I answered the "can you make me pot wine" ?

    THC content Don't have a clue as to how you would go about making marijauna wine but was wondering if during the process the THC content would be eliminated or at least decreased.
  6. J

    I think it happend too quick to be good

    Thanks Tom Well Sir, you were right, I checked the SG tonight when I got home from work and it was 0.996. If I am understanding my instructions correctley I should now rack into clean secondary, reattach air lock, wait approximately two months (for clearing I suspect) then bottle. Does...
  7. J

    I think it happend too quick to be good

    Started my second batch on 03/14/10 following the recipe in the Winemaker's recipe handbook for apple wine that came with my equipment kit, used Lalvin EC-1118 yeast. Started with a SG 1.086. On 03/17/10 the SG had reached 1.040 which I thought was really quick. Racked to glass secondary and...
  8. J

    Hello from Missouri.

    Welcome Neighbor, New to winemaking myself but learning every day. I live across the river in IL. just follow I-64 east to MP 110, exit north and you are here. And you are right, very nice folks on this site with lots of info and thus far I haven't encountered anyone with an agenda.
  9. J

    What jobs have you had...?

    Grew up on farm Army Truck driver Deputy Sheriff State Trooper Retired as State Police Master Sgt. Back to the Sheriff's Dept. as Jail Administrator Retiring again the last day of this month and don't think I'll jump back in this time
  10. J

    New batch started a few days ago

    OK calm down, no one knows less about making wine than I, just started my second batch today as a matter of fact. Just listen to what the good folks on here suggest and I'll bet your wine will be fine. If things don't work out your only out a few dollars, a trip to Wal Mart, and some time. I...
  11. J

    Racking, go ahead or wait?

    Yes, had an air lock on it since adding yeast. From what I have read putting the lid and air lock on was not necessary but this is my first batch and you could not believe the entertainment value I have got from watching it bubble. Simple things occupy simple minds LOL.
  12. J

    Racking, go ahead or wait?

    The instructions on my Vintner's Harvest fruit wine base indicated I should move from the primary to secondary when the SG reaches 1.040. If I make the transfer tonight I will be at about 1.044 but if I don't do it tonight I will have to wait untill after work tomorrow and am guessing it will...
  13. J

    If you live close to NJ

    Tom Sorry Tom but I don't know how to post it where you can just click and it will take you there but if you can get to ebay's home site the item # is 220563089581. Just checked to get the # and it's still at $1.00. From the pictures it looks like three carboys, a corker, plastic stirring...
  14. J

    If you live close to NJ

    Jest left ebay, kind of looking for a pump for transfer and degassing, anyway there is a lot of wine making equipment, carboys, corks, bottles, ect. with an opening bid of one dollar, the only catch is there is no shipping local pickup only. Wish I lived closer to NJ
  15. J


    Don't think I will go that route, don't want my first batch to turn out like me "flabby and tasteless" lol.
  16. J


    Please let us know how this works for you, have been considering buying my wife a foodsaver, starting to think she needs one right away, that is if it works for you.
  17. J

    I found a new way to get free bottles

    Wade E, from your profile I think you may be a little too young to remember them but in the 50's, 60's and I think early 70's milk used to be bottled in a one gallon glass jug with a little finger loop on the neck. I think, but my memory could be faulty they had a stopper top. We used to have...
  18. J

    Country Living

    Well Julie it appears them old possums ain't too hard to tame. Wife sits the trash outside the back door at night, I take it to the burn barrel the next morning. A few nights back her little house dog wouldn't shut up when let out before bed, yelp, a big ol possum right outside the back door...
  19. J


    Thanks Wade E, so would this be just before you bottle?