Started my second batch on 03/14/10 following the recipe in the Winemaker's recipe handbook for apple wine that came with my equipment kit, used Lalvin EC-1118 yeast. Started with a SG 1.086. On 03/17/10 the SG had reached 1.040 which I thought was really quick. Racked to glass secondary and it appeared the fermentation was going really well, air lock bubbling and everything, today I got home and checked, there does not appear to be any fermentation going on. the air lock is equilized with both chambers containing the same amount of vodka and no bubbling. I had a long day and don't want to take the time to sanatize my thieft and hydromoter to get a SG reading before bed so don't know what the SG is now but can't think it would have gotten done in four days. I will check the SG tomorrow but I am guessing I have a problem. Good Night everyone.