I agree check your LHBS and see what they are wanting for botlles. I found sometimes they are not that high priced. It is easier sometimes than cleaning used bottles..
Don't rush your wine making. Follow your kit or recipie timelines as cloe as you can, and things will turn out good.. I dont mean forget you hydrometer, but longer clearing times will help you wines quality.
Are you making cider or wine? After I made took mine out of the secondary, I bottled it with priming sugar and aged a couple of months. It was a very nice dry cider when I tried it. I used the cider recipie in the purple wine making handbook..
As long as you temps were decent for fermentation and you get 3 to 4 of the same readings in a row it could be done. Like Deezil said all wines are different.
It does happen..I did a apple like RunningWolf did. We went thought all the steps and still had sediment in the bottles. It is your wine if it doesn't bother you enjoy it anyway.
We are expecting high winds and rain in WV. There is also a rumor of possible snow as well. I know they are susposed to get it in the mountains, but I am not sure about here.. We have plenty of supplies to get by with till this thing has passed..
That is exactly what we did..filled up our 4 carboys in case the power goes out. Got some fuel for the generator and some extra food. If we get stuck in the house we have plenty of wine to drink if we run out of water..lol
That is true..Bubbling is not required for fernentaion. Keep a eye on your hydrometer readings. If they are going down you still fermenting. When you get 2 to 3 of the same readings then fermentation is complete.