Adapted Monica's cider recipe from this forum

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Junior Member
Oct 13, 2012
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Decided to try Monica's recipe on this forum sans cinnamon. I had a 6 gallon fermenter so I did alter the amount of cider and sugar a bit. I ended up using

6 gallons fresh pressed cider
6 lbs granulated sugar
4 lbs dark brown sugar
1 packet red star champagne yeast

I slowly simmered the cider dissolving the sugar thoroughly and transferred it to the fermenter reserving one quart in a separate sterile container. Chilled the liquid in the fermenter to 65 degrees and checked sg it was at 1.120. Pitched the yeast into the reserved liquid at the temperature recommended on the packet, allowed it to sit per the instructions. Pitched that starter into the primary and stirred vigorously. Didn't bother checking the sg for two weeks merely stirring the must twice a day. After that I checked the sg every other day until it got below 1.000. At that point I checked daily until it ended at 0.998 for three days and I racked to secondary. Waiting for it to clear a bit before racking to bulk storage. Anyhow question is where do you learn patience (have skeeter pee going from the lees in the primary)? Bulk aging is going to be done between 50-55 Far and the plan at the moment is for 1 1/2 years before bottling. How do you resist the urge to move it to a 3 gal carboy and bottle the rest...
Are you making cider or wine? After I made took mine out of the secondary, I bottled it with priming sugar and aged a couple of months. It was a very nice dry cider when I tried it. I used the cider recipie in the purple wine making handbook..
Are you making cider or wine?

Dunno the differences, hence I'm In the beginners forum.

After I made took mine out of the secondary, I bottled it with priming sugar and aged a couple of months. It was a very nice dry cider when I tried it. I used the cider recipie in the purple wine making handbook..

Not sure how I'm going to finish this. I just know I am going to try letting it bulk age for a long while at lower temps. (55 faren). I should put in my work space in the basement. Have a 15x30 room marked out just procrastination has won out so far on starting it and the storage cellar.
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