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  1. T

    Rookie Corner

    Hi Wade, We are using the Vinter's Reserve, Item 3202. Should I rack it tonight or can it wait until tomorrow. I don't want it to spoil or anything and certainly will rack it if the SG is where it should be. Thanks again!
  2. T

    Rookie Corner

    Hi Wade and Appleman, Thanks so much for the responses. Yes, we used the hydrometer in the beginning. Checked it today and SG was at .99 We stirred the heck out of it in the beginning and I just want to make sure everything is okay. It never really built up anything on the top in the primary...
  3. T

    Rookie Corner

    Ok, need some assistance, please! During the first week how should the wine look? I've read about "vigorous bubbling" but haven't really seen that. Seen some minor bubbles but haven't exactly been watching it like a hawk either. A picture ofhow it looks would be great. I'velooked at some of the...