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Apr 19, 2007
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Ok, need some assistance, please! During the first week how should the wine look? I've read about "vigorous bubbling" but haven't really seen that. Seen some minor bubbles but haven't exactly been watching it like a hawk either. A picture ofhow it looks would be great. I'velooked at some of the tutorials but haven't really found one that showed that. A link to one that's already posted would be great.
Should I see some evidence that it's progressing as it should on the top other than bubbling, ie. sediment type formation or something? Much thanks!
Welcome Tiff, every wine will be different as each yeast strain will be
different. Did you use a hydrometer to test the SG at the beginning and
if so has it changed? Temp. will play a big role to with the action of
afermentation. A good temp is 73*- 75* Is this a kiy or a fruit wine? A
good indication of fermenting is a sizzling sound in the primary.
If you have it in a primary bucket(plastic pail) you won't be able to see under the surface. That's where you watch for action. There will be millions of buffbles, but they are tiny. Once in the glass secondary, then you will be able to watch the airlock and see the bubbles going through it. In the glass also you will see the must as being cloudy-almost muddy looking. You will also be able to smell the fermentation going on- starts like a yeasy smell and then a brewery type smell. Like Wade said, every fermentation and strain of yeast is a little different. If you have bubbling, you have fermentation. Take the Specific Gravity of your wine and it will give you a defineable figure of the progress of it. Good luck.

Here is a link to a post with good pictures of what it should look like a the early stages. by: appleman
Hi Wade and Appleman,
Thanks so much for the responses. Yes, we used the hydrometer in the beginning. Checked it today and SG was at .99 We stirred the heck out of it in the beginning and I just want to make sure everything is okay. It never really built up anything on the top in the primary fermenter (plastic pail) like it appears to be in the pictures (thanks for the link by the way). Could that be b/c the temp was too high at some point?
I will check the SG again tomorrow and make sure it is consistent before transfering to the carboy.
Thanks again!
Tiff have you racked to the secondary carboy yet at all? If not, do it ASAP. .99 means it is almost done fermenting and you want to get it under glass to build up a CO2 layer. Some yeast give almost a silent ferment and never foam up on top. Trust the SG, especially if it is repeatable. You are on your way to a good batch of your own wine. Congradulations!
If its a winexpert kit then it should be racked immediately, if its a
RJS kit then follow the instructions for that and finish it completely
in the primary. If its a scratch wine then the option is up to you, I
actually like the RJS instructions that have you ferment till finished
in the primary as its easier to get it degassed this way but its also
easier for the wine to get oxidized.
Hi Wade,

We are using the Vinter's Reserve, Item 3202. Should I rack it tonight or can it wait until tomorrow. I don't want it to spoil or anything and certainly will rack it if the SG is where it should be.

Thanks again!
It can wait till tommrow.Just remember when you rack it to follow the
instruction with the transfer of sediment and when its done fermenting
to get it topped up with water if only a little needed or a commercial
wine or sanitized marbles. If for some reason you are very shy of the 6
gallons rack into a 5 gallon carboy.