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  1. ktownwino

    Wine Conditioner Sorbate levels

    Thank you for the information, I will have to run a small trial and see how things taste.
  2. ktownwino

    Wine Conditioner Sorbate levels

    I do not normally back sweeten but a batch of blackberry wine I am working on seems to require it. I figured this go around I would try using wine conditioner (never used it, sounds,interesting). The bottle states that there is k-sorbate mixed in with the sugar, however, it does not say how...
  3. ktownwino

    excess K-meta

    Wine adds has a calculator: (no affiliation) sorry, it was a typo and should read SO4, however, the point is the same. I cant comment on it turing into sulfuric acid (as I dont know the science well enough),however, i do know that lots of places in the world allow...
  4. ktownwino

    excess K-meta

    I have done this once or twice, peroxide will remove KMS. Well it wont remove it per say but it will bind it and turn it into SO3. Its safe to use as the H2O2+SO2 turns in H2O and SO3. Add a small amount of peroxide, stir, then add the yeast. Should ferment no problem
  5. ktownwino

    Hello from the great white north

    I have been lurking for awhile, this site seems cool so I thought I would join. My name is Michael and i am from the Okanagan valley here in British Columbia. i have made many kit wines, a few fruit wines and my share of fresh grape wine (one of the perks of living in Kelowna). Anyway, I...