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  1. C

    What's wrong with my grapevine?

    That looks like downey mildew. If you were in the US I would recommend you talk with your local agricultural extension agent. I don't know if the UK has the same structure. This is a blurb from the University of Michigan, but there are many publications about this. Also I could also be totally...
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    First timer

    Don't worry about adding sugar, they add sugar to wine in both France and Germany. In France they have a minimum brix(percent sugar) you have to hit. If the grapes don't meet that you add sugar(chaptalization). Most fruits need at least some sugar. Unless you stop the fermentation, it is going...
  3. C

    5 gal wood barrel recommendation?

    Smaller wood casks can over oak things pretty fast. I would check out bad motivator barrels. They only have wood on one side, but accuracy simulate the exposure in a 55 gallon barrel. . They are designed for spirits, but wine should work just fine. Badmotivator Legacy Barrels
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    Pinot Noir

    How much toast do you like on the oak cubes? Or does it depend on the wine?
  5. C

    Inexpensive wine storage

    I have some vintage view racks. Not cheap and not space efficient but you can see the whole label on each bottle. I have a subscription for Kermit Lynch for various wines through their club. If the wines were all the same it would not be worth it. I have made wine and hope to again.
  6. C

    Sparkling bubbles but lacks in flavor

    This is not advice but even grape wine that is carbonated can taste less sweet that uncarbonated. My wife and I don't really like champagne much , but it is occasionally gifted. I let carbonated wine go flat, mostly for champagne vinegar(very nice in a salad). A wine that tastes nice and dry...
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    Beginner mead maker

    I would be cautious about using store bought honey especially the cheap stuff, sometimes it has some corn syrup. If you like the taste its fine to use, but defiantly use the hygrometer at the beginning. Corn syrup is higher in sugar so the ending ABV will be higher and ferments quicker, so it...
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    Retirement VS working

    Anymore I Anymore it feels like they are the only pensions.
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    Retirement VS working

    I retired about 3 years ago from the University of California in Los Angeles. Every vacation from the past 15 years my wife and I would see if this was a place we wanted to retire and could afford. We looked all over California(especially the central coast) , Arizona, New Mexico and southern...
  10. C

    Winemaking/beer brewing home shop in Oregon

    Thanks for the info. Do you like it better than FB Stienbart? I have not been to either.
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    Winemaking/beer brewing home shop in Oregon

    We used to have a great shop in Corvallis, but they closed. I can get anything I need online, but the shipping can be brutal. Any other local shops? This may not be the right place, but it seemed as good as any.
  12. C

    Peach Wine

    Do you need to do a 4 to 1 for flavor balance between the peaches and the blackberries? Or is that just the fruit you had? The color must be fantastic! I live in Oregon and we have blackberries(marion berries) all over the place. Peaches are harder to grow.
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    First-timer in SoCal, just now planning to plant

    This is a list from UC extension.
  14. C

    Hello from Southern California, here's where I'm at 3 months after planting

    With the irrigation restrictions I am curious how the vines will get water? Grapes need 8 to 10 gallons a week per vine via UC extension. Some of that comes from rain, but 18 inches a year is not enough. I couldn't make it work in socal(I used to live in Van Nuys). I moved to the Willamette...
  15. C

    Homemade Yeast Nutrient?

    This guy uses bakers yeast as a nutrient all the time.
  16. C

    Wineries near Carlsbad CA

    If you are up for a drive, 45 minutes away is Temecula. There are many wineries up there.
  17. C

    Oregon Winemaker

    What kind of vines is a good question. In this area red Pinot Noir is king, but that's a difficult grape. Professional winemakers have a hard time with consistency but, there is a vintner that sells grapes near by. They will crush and stem small amounts and I cal bring home a 5 gallon bucket of...
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    Oregon Winemaker

    I have made a few wine kits. I used to live in California, but now on a small farm in Oregon. I have room to plan some vines and hope to get some local grapes for crush. Unfortunate our local homebrew shop in Corvallis is closing. They had equipment rentals, so they will be missed. The next...