My husband and I moved around for work every so often. We made friends and then moved away. We bought a retirement home during the last housing crisis and then work remotely from there before it became popular with covid. We retired the year before covid. During covid we realized how precious local friends were. We have made friends with people who have lived here thier entire lives and have many more friends. Very rich lives. We are fortunate to have landed in a place with good people, but for those of you are looking to move for retirement, keep in mind all of the people you are leaving behind. Is it worth the lower cost of housing? Perhaps so. Just saying people make a life rich and retirement is about living a rich life (not monetary).
UC Pensions are the best!I retired about 3 years ago from the University of California in Los Angeles. Every vacation from the past 15 years my wife and I would see if this was a place we wanted to retire and could afford. We looked all over California(especially the central coast) , Arizona, New Mexico and southern Oregon. Most we didn't like (Santa Fe NM was great , but really dry and cold) Then we did a vacation in the Willamette Valley, just loved it. I was somewhat familiar with Oregon, went to grad school here 25 years ago. My wife had never been here. It was great, we moved here. Now we have a hobby farm near Corvallis. Gardening, fermenting(both foods and drinks), and rockhounding plus other things. Setting up a place for wine and cider, and planting more fruit and grapes. Its been hard to meet friends locally because of covid, but we are managing. We don't miss work or LA at all. If you can retire you should, as soon as possible. At least for us worked just sucked, and the commute sucked too.
Anymore it feels like they are the only pensions.UC Pensions are the best!
Most we didn't like (Santa Fe NM was great , but really dry and cold)
With soc security and our pension my wife and I make half of what we did when we were working and some in our 401k and we seem to have more free cash now. Medicare advantage plans pick up a lot of costs for my wife’s drugs. For some really expensive drugs there are orgs that give grants to cover the cost. Her weekly injections cost around $8k and the insurance paid for it. Her cancer pill that cost around $21000 a month was also covered by a grant and insurance. The so called donut hole is around $4600 or so. Her cancer treatment has cost close a million so far and our out of pocket cost is less than $10k. Get a good advantage plan and you should be fine. Get any large expenses out of the way before retirement and you’ll be fine.
Since I retired I worry about whether I worry too much![]()
That is great, thanks. I did not know such a thing existed. (Although I have a number of years left to figure it out!)