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  1. R

    2024 Lenoir (Black Spanish Grapes)

    I’ve been dealing with bears, deer, raccoons and squirrels in my gardens for years and one of the most effective defenses has been an electric fence. The low wire for smaller vermin is about 4-6” from the ground, the higher wire for larger critters is about 36”. Attach strips of aluminum foil...
  2. R

    Grape problems.

    Which mineral could it be?
  3. R

    Planting grapes

    Got a soil test report back.
  4. R

    Grape problems.

    Newbie at this with only 3 vines. Bought in early June this year in 1/2 gallon pots labeled Catawba grape at a local Lowe’s. They have taken off and nearly completely filled the trellis. But there is something eating them up. I know Jap beetle has done a lot but there seems to be a disease...
  5. R

    Planting grapes

    I am building a trellis and planting some grapes that I started from cuttings. The trellis is on a flat spot next to my yard that has in the past been a hayfield. The ph is 6.0, but that’s all I know. I’ve been mowing it for several years and it grows grass ok. I recently acquired a trailer...
  6. R

    Hello from Kentucky

    I am starting a trellis from cuttings from a I have a 6 gallon fermentation equipment and have made some really tasty wines in the past. Grape, blackberry and watermelon. I dropped out after ruining a batch of watermelon wine due to having to travel to a death in the family during the time it...
  7. R

    Hello from Kentucky

    I am starting a trellis from cuttings from a vine that was given to my mother back in the 1960’s. I have no idea what strain it is. The old fellow that gave her the vine called them “Pink sugar grapes “ and “Pink Lucy grapes. The grapes are pink and super sweet. They made excellent jelly and 1...
  8. R

    Hello from Kentucky

    From the beautiful mountains of South East Kentucky to be specific. I’m looking in to learning the art of growing grapes. Thanks, Rick