Experience, like with Maui, teaches us a lot. The more we can spread our experiences, hopefully, the fewer learning experiences we will have to learn ourselves.
am i stupid or what? when i first put the spigot in the bucket, i put the gasket on the inside, with the nut,it leaked like crazy. i decided to try it on the outside&lo and behold it sat 3 days without leaking a drop. which is the correct side to place the gasket? i think i found it, but i wanted to ask to make sure.
Country is correct. You should have 2 gaskets, one for the inside of the bucket and one for the outside. If you don't have 2 gaskets and you got it from me, let me know and I will send you a replacement.
Dern it, i thought there might be something missing here. it was too good ofa deal. sorry to say George it wasn't from you, but my next order will be. don't do the credit card thing on net... do you have a mail in order?
Since I'm learning from all of you, tell me what the advantage of the spigot is. I'm thinking it is to drain the wine off from above the sediment rather than siphoning. I'm not very good at siphoning and have had quite a buzz just getting it started
but practice makes perfect
. Then would you attach a siphon hose from the spigot to the secondary? or do i have the wrong idea all together.
Yes that is the idea to drain from the primary to the secondary with a hose attached to the spigot. I have been scolded plenty of not doing it this way from others and have learned this is the best way...
Get yourself a Auto Siphon to rack from your secondaries and it will be a much simpler task and no contaminating the hose by drinking from it!!!