Other 2014 limited wine kits - what are you planning

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Yep, the certificates are posted to our accounts. AND George has announced $15.00 off all limited release kits still in stock. I ordered the RJS Nero d'Avola for $101.00 less the $60.00 certificate. Forty bucks for a LE kit aint bad. The Megliolis are under $150.00. As I have been typing three items have disappeared from the in stock list.

Where'd the $60 certificate come from? Just your previous pre-orders? Sweet deal!
Where'd the $60 certificate come from? Just your previous pre-orders? Sweet deal!

George (FineVnieWines) gives a $10.00 rebate certificate for each Limited Release kit you pre-ordered by November 1st. of last year. Incentive to place your pre-order early. You then log into your account after spring shipping is complete and your certificate is in your account. This year they sent out an email saying the certificates were in the accounts and all left over LRs were on sale. The sale was announced Sunday to all pre-order customers and today to others. I debated with myself whether to get the Nero or the Barolo. Luckily for someone I chose the Nero because I suspect that Barolo is outstanding. But I'm kind of wanting to try the WE Eclipse Barolo.
Talk about a sweet deal! I was going to pull the trigger on the MM Meg Barolo but it flew away faster than I click my mouse!

Sorry Jim. When I read tonyt's post about the certificates being out there, I went right out to the site. With the sale on the Meg's and the $20.00 certificate I couldn't resist pulling the trigger on the Barolo. I must have gotten one of the last ones.

Thanks Tony for chosing the Nero instead of the Barolo so it was there for me.:h
Jim, if you haven't ever made the MM Barolo, I would highly recommend it. I finally gave in after bottling only two months ago to try a bottle yesterday and wow!!!! :db

I did, that's why I wanted another one! Mine's still in bulk aging (about 12 more weeks) but I've sampled a taste or two and it's sublime!

I bought one on Wade's recommendation that it was the best wine he ever tasted!
Sorry Jim. When I read tonyt's post about the certificates being out there, I went right out to the site. With the sale on the Meg's and the $20.00 certificate I couldn't resist pulling the trigger on the Barolo. I must have gotten one of the last ones.

Thanks Tony for chosing the Nero instead of the Barolo so it was there for me.:h

How much was it?
The MM Meg Barolo with raisins was at a sale price of $162. I had $20.00 off with the certificate and there was $10.00 shipping for a total of $152.
When you say "the Alljuice kits" are you talking about the Alljuice buckets or the Masters Edition 23L kits?

The buckets, actually. I just realized you weren't talking about those. Honestly, I haven't seen too much chatter on the Masters Editions.
I for one would like to see more chatter on the Masters Editions. They look great on paper, but can't seem to find anyone who has made her likes them.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I for one would like to see more chatter on the Masters Editions. They look great on paper, but can't seem to find anyone who has made her likes them.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making

Availability could be an issue here. I'm not sure a lot of winemaking stores actually carry those kits.
Availability could be an issue here. I'm not sure a lot of winemaking stores actually carry those kits.

George at Winemaker's Toy Store carries them. With $9.99 shipping, they are reasonably priced for what is supposed to be a high end kit. I'm not a big Mosti Mondiale fan so I can't speak to the quality of the Masters Edition product. I know George swears by them but he may be a bit biased.
George at Winemaker's Toy Store carries them. With $9.99 shipping, they are reasonably priced for what is supposed to be a high end kit. I'm not a big Mosti Mondiale fan so I can't speak to the quality of the Masters Edition product. I know George swears by them but he may be a bit biased.

Yes, he carries them, but I was referring more to the people who would not have access to these kits because their local store does not carry them. As far as I know, none of the homebrewing/winemaking stores in this area, for example, carry Mosti Mondiale kits. It's predominantly Winexpert with some RJS here and there.

The Masters kits are probably not bad kits at all.
I have made the 23L all-juice montepulciano and it is fantastic, made it without tweaks because it was one of my earlier kits. I would make it again and add oak and skins for it to be even better. That is a varietal I drank on a trip to Italy, and am partial to. Smooth and not overwhelmingly tannic.

I made the meglioli marzemino with skins and it is also quite good, had a nice complexity and was tasty at six months, even better at nine months. Nice thing about these kits is that the grape pack is one of the nicest ones I have seen, and is a big bottle of California cab sauv grapes (looked like a jar of purple olives). Nothing skimpy about their higher end kits.

I liked the kits very much and would definitely do more of them... if I didn't already have four kits sitting waiting for me to start them and all my carboys and primaries full of wine in process. And my hubby asked me this week, "Which ports are you making this year?" Plural, of course. :). I know I will make coffee because that was killer last year, also thinking caramel.


Sent from my iPhone using Wine Makin

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