Resistance is futile.......
I'm assuming you are talking about the press picture. We scoop the completed must into the 55 gallon "press", where a vacuum is the applied to a carboy, which draws down a piston in the press. It actually does a pretty good job of pressing the juice out. It will be tested this season, as we are trying some Chardonnay.Explain whats going on in the picture? do you take off the juice then press? I'm quit impressed with the volume. bk
We made short order of a ton of Grenache today....Syrah tomorrow.
Here is a 1 minute video of our crush set-up
I don't know why, but I can't get more than 1 second of that video to play. Thought maybe the kids were hogging bandwidth, but I can play any other YouTube video just fine. Anyone else having the same issue?
I don't know why, but I can't get more than 1 second of that video to play. Thought maybe the kids were hogging bandwidth, but I can play any other YouTube video just fine. Anyone else having the same issue?
Anyone else having the same issue?
When I was looking at the video, I did a little YouTube surfing and found the following video. When I think of all we go through for cleanliness, sanitation, preventing O2 exposure, all the stuff we focus on, and then watch this, it just makes me wonder. It's pretty comical as well..............
Those guys are hilarious.
I imagine that's pretty much what @JohnT 's place is like at pressing.
P.S. I'm sorry to be mean, but did anybody else think that red sauce looked just as horrid as that press????