Need some assistance after reading this thread. I started SP on Mon 7/31/12 at 7:30 am. I followed the recipe exactly on the SP site. It was 1.070 when I covered the SP with 1/2 lid, and 1/2 dish towel after reading other suggestions on this site. On 8/1 at 8 am, I gave it a good stirring. I took the slurry out of the fridge on 8/1 as well. On 8/2 in the AM, I stirred 2 minutes, and I added slurry, and stirred again. Covered the same way. After 48 hours, when there wasn't any sign of fermentation, and a reading of 1.070, I stirred it again, then sprinkled a package of EC1118 on top (from reading tips on this thread). Recovered it the same way. It has been another 30 hours since I have done that, and there is no sign of fermentation. I took a reading and the liquid had small bubbles in the wine thief, but the reading is stil 1.070. Temperature is around 74 - 76 degrees. Any suggestions to get this fermenting?