9 carboys cleaned- sanitized and transferred in approx 1 hour

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Aug 24, 2011
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It was a good time to transfer all my carboys today. I was by myself and had some extra time on my hands today. So I decided to transfer, clean and sanitize all 9 carboys. I would sanitize all my lines first then clean and sanitize my carboy using my carboy cleaner while the other carboy is being transferred using the Allinonewinepump.

These were the carboy sizes I decided to transfer today
3 gal =2
5 gal = 2
6 gal = 3
7 gal = 2
The wash basin is not in the same room as the carboys – so this was a bit more difficult
Video, or it didn't happen! :)

That is a looong video !
I was the only one home - no one to operate the camera

It shows how efficiently you can work if you plan everything accordingly - like using the drill mounted carboy cleaner using a sulfite solution as one carboy is being transferred, you are cleaning the next one to be transferred.

It does help having extra carboys available - so this can go much smoother, as it did.
As with bottles, and as JohnT wrote on the other thread, a rinse with "wicked hot water" as soon as vessel is empty is the ticket to easy maintenance ;)
As with bottles, and as JohnT wrote on the other thread, a rinse with "wicked hot water" as soon as vessel is empty is the ticket to easy maintenance ;)

I do not recommend this - Extreme temperature changes in glass will cause stress cracks in the glass - OR FOR THE CARBOY TO SHATTER INSTANTLY.

This is a very serious matter - on how to protect you and your glass carboys
Glass carboys suck!... just ask the vacuumpumpman.
I do not recommend this - Extreme temperature changes in glass will cause stress cracks in the glass - OR FOR THE CARBOY TO SHATTER INSTANTLY.

This is a very serious matter - on how to protect you and your glass carboys

Good point Steve. To expand on my thought, I do three rinses. The first is warm water, then I go hot. The point is to eventually use screaming hot water as soon as the vessel is empty.
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I use warm to room temp water and have not had any problems maintaining a clean carboy. Love this pump!

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