WineXpert A Problem Restarting Incomplete LE -- Ferment Over, Or Let Sit?

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Victim of the Invasion of the Avatar Snatchers
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Sep 19, 2013
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near Milwaukee
Anyone able to help with a problem on this LE Oregon Pinot Noir kit?
Pitched yeast (forget which kind) about 13 days ago with 2 lbs of raisins.
Really took off at first, but then the activity just died.
I forgot to take a SG reading to start, but it isn't bubbling much anymore.
Looks like the ferment may have stalled?

Forgot yeast nutrient, too; should I add some now?
Obviously, earlier would have been better, but should I still add it?
Or should I just skip it at this point?
Last question:
Should I start MLF now or wait until secondary?
Anyone able to help with a problem on this LE Oregon Pinot Noir kit?
Pitched yeast (forget which kind) about 13 days ago with 2 lbs of raisins.
Really took off at first, but then the activity just died.
I forgot to take a SG reading to start, but it isn't bubbling much anymore.
Looks like the ferment may have stalled?

Forgot yeast nutrient, too; should I add some now?
Obviously, earlier would have been better, but should I still add it?
Or should I just skip it at this point?
Last question:
Should I start MLF now or wait until secondary?

What is the SG now and has it changed over the last few days?

If you used the yeast that came with the kit, I would not think you need to add nutrient

I have read repeatedly that Wine kits do not go through MLF

Are you following the kit instructions or just winging it?

There is no need for nutrient in kit wines and raisins in a light wine like a Pinot Noir is probably going to make it taste like raisin wine.

All I'm doing to mine is adding FT Rouge Soft and following the 180 day kit instructions. The yeast that came with the kit is perfect for Pinot Noir.
Sounds like you're ready to bottle. ;)

(please ignore my advice completely, as this is April 1st)
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Oregon Pinot juice is a very good beverage for quenching your thirst, and it's filled with wonderful red fruit flavor and natural grape sugars (not that chemical sucrose the stores are always forcing on you these days). You can also go on a juice fast as scholars maintain that Oregon Pinot juice in particular is probably the best grape juice for detoxification and weight loss purposes. I believe the silky tannins play a role in this. The small amount of alcohol you may have created shouldn't cause a problem and in fact will just keep the body tested and strong.

So, I suggest getting putting it in some juice cartons with straws. Send some with the kids to school for lunch, even. Who needs soda or Kool-Aid when you have Pinot Noir juice? The other kids will be absolutely jealous.

(April Fools)
I think you need to add some blackberries to it, set it outside (hopefully the Temps are about 60-70) for 2.5 weeks, not an hour more. Let your cat use some litter and add that. Then bottle naked, under the light of the full moon with 15 vestal virgins dancing around you. Be sure to soak your corks in an acid bath before you insert them upside down.

It will be wonderful in one year on April 1, 2015 but only for two hours.
Thanks for playing along, people!! :) :hug Dugger gets the gold star! Did you get these hints:

A Problem Restarting Incomplete LE -- Ferment Over, Or Let Sit?

Anyone able to help with a problem on this LE Oregon Pinot Noir kit?
Pitched yeast (forget which kind) about 13 days ago with 2 lbs of raisins.
Really took off at first, but then the activity just died.
I forgot to take a SG reading to start, but it isn't bubbling much anymore.
Looks like the ferment may have stalled?

Forgot yeast nutrient, too; should I add some now?
Obviously, earlier would have been better, but should I still add it?
Or should I just skip it at this point?
Last question:
Should I start MLF now or wait until secondary?

And Putterrr and DoctorCAD, a sincere thanks for your willingness to help a clearly misguided winemaker! :D
Good one. I didn't get the April fools joke but when I went back to look and see if this was a newbie I realized that you have far too much experience for this to be serious.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
You can also go on a juice fast as scholars maintain that Oregon Pinot juice in particular is probably the best grape juice for detoxification and weight loss purposes.

Totally agree! I need a de-tox badly, so was thinking of getting a grape-juice upper colonic!

Then bottle naked, under the light of the full moon with 15 vestal virgins dancing around you.

So just do my normal protocol? (Errr, although I am down to fewer than 15 vestal virgins now...)

Good one. I didn't get the April fools joke but when I went back to look and see if this was a newbie I realized that you have far too much experience for this to be serious.

I do that, too, often -- read a question, scratch my head, go back and check the number of posts a person has to help judge what kind of a response is warranted. Sometimes this leads me astray.
Sour grapes, I fell for it also. I was reading your post and I couldn't understand why the problems with all your experiance. Guess I'm a little slow. Lol, Bakervinyard
Hmmm, I suggest adding 27 tablespoons of grape tannin. This should restart your ferment and lend a harsh tannic edge that will go perfectly with this style of wine.

Heh, I totally forgot about April Fools!
That reminds me of a question I have. Some forums I have been on lets you ignore some people. Can you do that here????!!!!!!!