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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
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Im sure the most of you know about the loss of our beloved Cheyenne recently. What a void it left in both our lives. Nothing could ever replace our Cheye but I have a feeling this little rascal is going to give it a good shot. Kathy told me a while back that when and if we ever got another dog she would like to have a French Bulldog.....Folks.....Meet Ms Penny



She is almost a year old. I found her listed in the paper this morning..went to look at her and now you know the rest of the story

Nice pup Waldo..... I hear they are great ones............

Does Santa ever take a break??? I hope not......
Here's hoping she shares many good years and times with both of you. Looks like everyone is getting along just fine from the start.
Waldo... What a nice dog. I know she will help fill that special void. Looks like all hands are happy.
Glad you got a new friend....
The new ones never replace a lost dog...just join the many memories in your hearts...

Happy that you have a new friend in your life. She looks like she might be a mama's dog, You might have to get another one!!!
Glad for you Waldo! Nothing like a dog to keep things calm around the house. We have 10 of them. Only 2 are in the houses. (son's and ours) The rest are in heated kennels. (English pointers and 1 Lab) Of course our favorite is our little Bichon!
Great dog Waldo and Kathy - many many happy years!!!

God spelled backwards is dog - man's best friend - now you know the rest of the story!!!!
Thanks all
Ms Penny is making her transition into our home just great. So far she is just curious about the cats and they her. She has free roam of the house already and a new box of toys. Her favorite is going to be a tennis ball though.
If she was a cat, her favorite would probably just be the box. Just something about cats and boxes. Does she want to play fetch with the ball or just bounce it around herself?
appleman said:
If she was a cat, her favorite would probably just be the box. Just something about cats and boxes. Does she want to play fetch with the ball or just bounce it around herself?

She loves fetching it, returning it to you and getting you to wrestle her for it. Unbelievable how strong that little gal is and ......

Yep Folks....I believe Ms Penny has decided she is Home !!!

Gotta get on to e-Bay now. I am listing a bunch of our surplus stuff from work on my account at e-bay and see how it goes. If it goes well they are considering maybe opening an e-bay store.

Thanks, those are not needed here. Good luck selling. I use them alot mostly to buy.

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