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Good luck on your sales...
We try to buy stuff on eBay...get lucky once in awhile....and WIN!!!!
I have bought quite a bit of stuff on ebay and must say that Ive never been disappointed except for 2 times that were my fault for clicking on the wrong item but both times what I clicked by accident ended up being very nice and was worth what I payed for. Have spent some good money at that site.
That is one cute little bull dog!!
Hey my grandfather ( who by the waywas alsonamed "Waldo")had a bull dog too!! They are fantastic tempered dogs, usually they're so laid back you have to prod them to make them move.
Hmmmm, kinda like Kat has to do me huh !!!!
Update on the bulldog....Well she has had an official name assigned to her by my Daughter and Son:
Ms Penny Killer Fugly James
We just call her Ms Fugly for short. My Daughter named her the "fugly" part because she said, " Dad she is so fri......ng ugly"

She is trying hard to leave the cats alone and does really well as long as they don't run..If they do......well, the chase is on. The cats have actually begun to make a game of it. Poor Ms Fugly, she is surronded by cats though...can you pick me out from the crowd she asks



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