Acid Blend an tannin added after start

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Senior Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Can acid blend and tannin be added after fermentation starts?
SG was 1.080 and now at 1.060.

This is for a Blueberry Pomegranate juice recipe 2 gallons.
I've done both, before and after. The batch where i added acid after fermentation took longer to age out.
wait until fermentation is completed then test your acid and adjust accordingly and I would add the tannin at this time as well.​
Did you wait until fermentation stopped? It seems to be fermenting very slow and I wondered if leaving them out was the reason? How much to add per gallon?
if your acid levels were very low it could affect your fermentation, what was your acid?
Sammyk said:
Did you wait until fermentation stopped? It seems to be fermenting very slow and I wondered if leaving them out was the reason? How much to add per gallon?

For my batches, I added 1 oz of tartaric acid per 5 gallons. One batch was added prior to pitching yeast, the other was after the wine cleared. As I stated earlier, for the second batch, took longer to age.

Let your yeast work, don't worry about the speed. Stir daily (punch down cap if you have fruit), add yeast nutrient if needed.
Sammyk said:
pH is 3.2 from measurement I just did. What do I need to do?

If it is a white wine, pH is good, might be a little low for red wine. I wouldn't make any adjustments until you have a chance to let the wine clear and you can taste it.
I don't think Blueberry Pomegranate juice is considered a white wine?
It's not Sammy, for fruit wines ph should be between 3.5 and 3.6, acid should be .60% - .75% based on your ph I would not add any acid blend, even after fermenation is completed. Check it later and make sure you taste it as well. I'm thinking you maybe ok with where it is at. Are you going to cold stabilize?
Had not thought about cold stabilization since it is still in primary but dropping very slowly. 2 other wines started at the same time (one my brothers) has dropped to 1.010 but the blueberry pom is poking along. at 1.060. They are all together on the kitchen table....
I just added some nutrient. Will see where it is at tomorrow on they hydrometer.
Sammy, what's the temp of your must. If I remember right I think my blue/Pom was slow to ferment.

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