adding sugar

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Senior Member
Mar 9, 2013
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When I add sugar to get the SG up after I made the invert sugar do I need to "cook" it again or can I just put it in the fermenter and mix until dissolved?
better to dissolve outside with warm water or a bit of warm wine, then pour into container.
Since you said you made inverted sugar, I am assuming that this is already a liquid? Just add it at this point no need to cook it.
I made inverted sugar by boiling 16 cups sugar with some lemon juice for 1/2 hour. When I added it to lemon juice the sg was only 1.05 so I mixed sugar in some must and added it to get sg to 1.080. I didn't boil the sugar must mix for 1/2 like you do to make inverted sugar. I only heated it until the sugar was disolved then dumped it in.
That is how I add my sugar when backsweetening, I take some wine, add sugar and warm it up, stirring the whole time. Never boil the wine.
This was to get the sg up before pitching the yeast.