Aging Question

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Oct 18, 2010
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I am new, brand new to be honest, to winemaking. We started our first batch about three weeks ago. I have been reading as much information as I can and so far, things have gone very well. We started with a RJ Spagnols Grand Cru Cab. We have followed the instructions except for the time approximations. We went more by the specific gravity readings.

We started with a SP of 1.08, racked to a carboy on day 4 with an SP of 1.03, and finally achieved an SP of .995 on day 10. We then degassed and added the additives.

The instructions say that we can bottle on day 28, but that sounds pretty quick to me. I would like to bulk age in the carboy for at least 6 months. We are in no rush to bottle. My question is, does everything sound to be on track? Also, do I need to top off the wine in the carboy? I have attached a picture below. If so, I have read to add water on some sites, some sites say boiled cooled water, and finally some places suggest using a finished wine of the same type. What if anything should I do?


You have a bit too much headspace there. Bring the level up a few inches until you get to the narrow part of the neck. I use a similar wine. It gives you a good excuse to buy a bottle of the same type as you have and give it a try.
Do I just pour it on top or do I need to stir it in? Thanks for the advice.
i was noting the headspace as well..but then thought...i dont see any oak floating up there