Other Allinone pump...didnt get to use it yet

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2013
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Just got my Allinone pump. Looks great! I only have one racking cane, but figured I'd be ok to splash rack and degas my CC Tempranillo. Only problem is that my one racking cane is part of an easy siphon. Darn. No time to get another racking cane until next week, so...

Based on what I have read here, I de gassed with drill attachment, and added clarifying agents. I think I read that leaving it on the fine lees may even do it some good. I figure I'll use the pump to degas a little more in a few weeks and rack off fine lees for bulk aging or bottling. (was racked off gross lees from primary previously for secondary fermentation)

Someone please tell me if I'm missing something.

This is my first kit.
It is a little more aggravating but you don't really have to have a racking cane if your tubing is long enough to put down into the wine. I racked a couple of times in the beginning like this before I got my canes.
Can you use the center of the auto cane for the pick up ? Or a 3/8'' tube that will fit thru the bung and onto the racking tube going into the receiving carboy
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This rookie (5 kits) has not had much success degassing with the drill attachment, though perhaps some are better than the one I'm using. Mine is the one with ~2" wings/paddles that fly out when the drill is turned on. It works fine for stirring but that is about it. Thankfully the wine bottle hand vacuum pump has worked for me. It takes a LOT of hand pumping over the course of 2-3 days. From what I've read here on this forum the AIO is the way to go. Maybe do the best you can now and rack again next week with your AIO once you've got all the hardware you need.
I used my auto siphon as is when I first got my Allinone pump. The vacuum will suck wine around the check valve of the auto siphon. A little bit more waste than using a straight racking cane but not much more.
thanks for the ideas. It was a real bummer to not use this cool looking new pump, but I should have a cane in a day or two. I'm interested to see just how much more gas is still in there.

I've only racked once so far. (from primary to secondary) Clearing agents are added. This is a CC Sterling Tempranillo. Someone please give me your thoughts. Should I:
A. Go ahead and rack when I get the cane (tomorrow) to remove fine lees and remove whatever gas the drill did not, and then let clear;
B. Since is did degas, what I think was pretty well over 2 days, Let it clear for awhile on the fine lees then rack with the AIO.

If B, about how long.

I'm in the process of planning a better temperature controlled space to age, but at the moment, the closet under the stairs is a consistent 72-73 degrees. It's my only option at the moment.