Mosti Mondiale AllJuice vs. Renaissance kits

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Rocky, I am sure no one did. I was just giving a Kudos to George. :)
For what it is worth, I thought the Masters was a little better than the Megioli.
I would like to know what the difinitive answer to what the difference is between the three. With shipping being the same I tend to go to the higher end since I am paying the high shipping costs. If I am going to pay $25.00 or more for shipping I would like to get the best I can afford.
All Juice is just that. All Juice that is NOT reconstituted. The Renaissance line is more than likely the same juice (from the same vineyards) as the All Juice just with some water removed to make it easier (and cheaper) to ship.

It cost $$$ to remove water from juice so that is more than likely the reason a Renaissance kit can actually cost more than the same varietal AJ kit. These are not the top tier grapes that would go into a Masters or Meg kit but still high quality, just not ultra high quality.

The Masters and Meglioli are the cream of the crop grapes from the source vineyard. The Meg must is the absolute best grapes/juice from the vineyard and the Master's is a slight cut down. Grapes that are still top notch but for some reason were not totally perfect as far as quality, ripeness (Acidity, pH) etc.
Hey Mike,
You got me thinking.(If my wife saw me type that she would ask you how you did it
). Is there a way to find out where the grapes from the kits we buy are from? That would be a nice bit of info to have.
I have done quite a bit of searching on all the kit manufacturers sites about the source of the fruit. When I say source I don't just mean country of origin. I mean State, AVA, vineyard.

Cellar Craft is far away the most transparent. Many (not all though) of their high end Showcase kits list State, AVA, and quite often even a vineyard.

Spagnols list a few States and AVA's and a few Vineyards but not as much as Cellar Craft.

Mosti Mondiale is the worst hands down. You are doing good to find a country of origin from the box. Only one kit list a State (Washington Viognier) . Many just say nice words like USA and American..... Wow, thanks Mosti!
To be fair to all the kit manufacturers - that is their livelihood and many are blends that they have created and have no interest in the secret getting out! Last year (I think) CC released a limited edition Tannat that even listed the source vineyard. That is unusual especially since that vineyard also makes and sells the wine commercially.
I have made a bunch of the All Juice Cabernet Sauvignon. This is my "go to" kit when the number of bottles in the rack is running low.

Always drinkable.
If I am not mistaken, I recall George sayinga while back that somone from MM told him that the Renaissance wines may beat the Megliolis early onbut that, with time, the Megliolis will pass them up

My last four kits have been Spagnols Cellar Classics Winery Series and I am very pleased with them. I don't think I will go back to the AllJuice again.
ibglowin said:
I have not made any Masters or Meglioli. Could never get past the sticker shock....

I'm looking at making a straight Shiraz, and was comparing the prices of the Alljuice version (on special this month for $103.50), the Master's Edition "Outback Shiraz Mondiale with Raisins" ($139.50), and the Meglioli "Shiraz (Australian Style) with AllGrape Pack" ($202.50). The Meglioli version is getting up there, but the Master's price doesn't seem to be "shocking". Compared to the Renaissance version at $114.29, it would be adding about $25 to "upgrade" to the Master's edition (setting aside shipping costs, which would be a little higher for the Master's), or less than $1/bottle.

So, assuming the price differential is small enough to ignore, which Shiraz kit would you pick - the Renaissance or the Master's Edition?
I would spring for the Masters for $25 more. No way I would go with the Meg unless I won the Lottery!
ibglowin said:
I would spring for the Masters for $25 more. No way I would go with the Meg unless I won the Lottery!

That's what I used to say, Mike. Then I saw a sale price of $192 delivered w/ GP on an OVZ and had to pull the trigger. Time (3 years probably) will tell if it is worth it.